Title: "women do well less than merry well ?" [Print] Author: bigcat Time: 2011-5-28 20:51
i do not think so,after all good man always a little.do well better than merry wellAuthor: rainbowgirl Time: 2011-6-1 08:03
haha.women's view of point,i am on your side.Author: wuchangpei Time: 2011-6-22 10:26
Do what you feel like,to be a person you want to be,follow with your feeling,don't care about sights and views of other people.Man and Women are equal in 21th century,not only in work career,but also in every aspect of life.Everyone should choose the way of life they like.Author: rainbowgirl Time: 2011-6-23 09:58
so funny,yhank you .BusyEnglishAuthor: xixifighting Time: 2011-12-29 15:45
yeah i can't agree more.Author: WayYoung Time: 2011-12-29 22:58
To me, i really don't think a capable woman is a kind of poision to marriage, it depends how this woman behaves and how she handles daily stuff ,the most important point is what her real purpose is for being so.Author: rainbowgirl Time: 2011-12-30 09:20
thanks for sharing your idea ,glad to meet you.
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