jing: Change their attitude is your most important thing,Too much pressure, then take your bad mood into the home side!Separation of work and family, try to
armstrong028: Everybody has a period of nervous and anger. don't worry. some days later, u will be OK.
venus: Taking deep breath and and telling meself to calm down...trying to think about happy things...but has little effect
jingyan: relax yourself and have a rest.I think that is the most important
catnfish: Joining some other activities and paying your attention to other stuff may helpDo some sports instead of million times of breath will also fasten
shun: maybe you should red a book motivedly and i think" jin gang jing " is the best
Anyway just say "let it be "to yourself
BBQ: i thought you should change your attitude of the life, how lucky that you have a good BB around you and you have a job can support your life. Same as
bo-cheung: you must calm down at first, and you can take a free time to play with you child ,i think , when the parent see their child's smile , and then they wi
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