- 2017年6月英語四級作文范文:網上聊天
- Directions: Write a composition entitled On Online Chatting. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 網上聊天越來越流行; ...
2018-12-30 英語四級作文_四級作文_四級英語作文 -
- 2017年6月英語四級作文范文:信函
- Directions: Write a composition entitled Complaint About Noise. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 與你住在同一棟樓里的鄰...
2018-12-30 英語四級作文_四級作文_四級英語作文 -
- 2017年6月英語四級作文范文:名言
- Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutesto write a short essay entitled Haste Makes Waste. 1.為什么說“欲速則不達”? 2.試舉例說明?! aste Makes Waste T...
2018-12-30 英語四級作文_四級作文_四級英語作文 -
- 2017年6月英語四級作文范文:挫折
- Everyone knows that the road to success is not that plain sailing,When we want to change or achieve something,a new difficulty has arisen.The difficulty is setback. Some p...
2018-12-30 英語四級作文_四級作文_四級英語作文 -
- 2017年6月英語四級作文范文:手機的利弊
- As we all know,mobile phones bacome more and more popular.They play an essential role in our daily life.When we are enioying the convenience that mobile phones have brought u...
2018-12-30 英語四級作文_四級作文_四級英語作文 -
- 2017年6月英語四級作文常用詞匯(一)
- 1. 認為,主張argue, maintain, hold, believe 2. 考慮take…sth. into consideration, consider, ponder, meditate, contemplate, think over, reflect on/ upon, meditate on the matt...
2018-12-30 英語四級作文_四級作文_四級英語作文 -
- 2017年6月英語四級作文范文:道德問題
- Someone once said that morality is not really the doctrine of how to make ourselves happy but of how we are to be worthy of happiness.Morality is a discussion point in societ...
2018-12-30 英語四級作文_四級作文_四級英語作文 -
- 2017年6月英語四級作文范文:大學生兼職
- Nowadays ,with the phenomenon of the college students do part-time jobs more and more general.People are becoming increasingly aware of the significance of part-time job.In m...
2018-12-30 英語四級作文_四級作文_四級英語作文 -
- 2017年6月英語四級作文范文:快餐
- Directions: Write a composition entitled Fast Food. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 快餐在中國十分流行,它是現代快節...
2018-12-30 英語四級作文_四級作文_四級英語作文 -
- 2017年6月英語四級作文范文:文明旅游
- Nowadays,the unprecedented surge of Chinese tourists gives rise to high visibility for them,and the misbehaviors and bad manners of them abroad are even making headlines arou...
2018-12-30 英語四級作文_四級作文_四級英語作文 -
- 2017年6月英語四級作文常用詞匯(四)
- 121.不屈服的unyielding 122.堅持的insistent 123.有決心的determined, resolute, resolve 124.堅決的firm 125.教育性的,啟發性的instructive, educational, enlightening ...
2018-12-30 英語四級作文_四級作文_四級英語作文 -
- 2017年6月英語四級作文常用詞匯(三)
- 81. 遭受,遭遇be subjected to, sustain, encounter, suffer 82. 在我看來,就我而言in my view, in my belief, as far as i can see, in my mind, as far as i am concerned, in my opin...
2018-12-30 英語四級作文_四級作文_四級英語作文 -
- 2017年6月英語四級作文常用詞匯(二)
- 41. 強調,突出 lay/ place emphasis on, attach emphasis to, stress on, highlight, underline(劃線, 強調) 42. 優秀的outstanding, perfect, brilliant, remarkable, distinguished,...
2018-12-30 英語四級作文_四級作文_四級英語作文 -
- 2017年6月英語四級作文范文:出國留學
- With the background of education playing an increasing big role in society,more and more students study abroad from middle schools.But discussion about studying abroad has ne...
2018-12-30 英語四級作文_四級作文_四級英語作文 -
- 2017年6月英語四級作文現象闡述類模板
- 寫作思路:先論述這個現象對個人或者社會的意義,接著寫該如何從現象中受益 In the above picture, .The promising phenomenon depicted by this picture reflects the spirit/importance...
2018-12-30 英語四級作文_四級作文_四級英語作文 -
- 2017年6月英語四級作文觀點論述型模板
- 三段法結構: 首段:提出要論證的觀點 第二段:通過舉例的方法論述觀點 末段:進一步表明觀點的正確與否 In the above picture appear (描述圖片內容) . It reflects two distinct...
2018-12-30 英語四級作文_四級作文_四級英語作文 -
- 2017年6月英語四級作文范文:合作
- If we want to complete tasks efficiently and effectively,it is necessary for people to work with each other. In modern society,the spirit of team work has been attached much...
2018-12-30 英語四級作文_四級作文_四級英語作文 -
- 2017年6月英語四級作文范文:漢語熱
- Nowadays,there is a dramatic increase in the number of people who learn Chinese in foreign countries, such as the United States,Canada and the other countries.Why the Chinese...
2018-12-30 英語四級作文_四級作文_四級英語作文 -
- 2017年6月英語四級作文范文:制定目標的重要性
- Do you have set a clear aim?Why?Currently,it has been frequently reported that most college students are living an idle life as they have no clear aims for their future life....
2018-12-30 英語四級作文_四級作文_四級英語作文 -
- 2017年6月英語四級作文范文:讀書
- Life is a journey,during which we are all in desperate need of a true friend.Books,to a large extent,are considered as the best friends of many individuals.However,in contemp...
2018-12-30 英語四級作文_四級作文_四級英語作文 -
- 2017年6月英語四級作文范文:網絡搜索答案
- 要點提示: 1、明確寫作主題。動筆之前,清楚要寫什么。該話題說的是網絡搜索答案與人們利弊關系?! ?、文章第一段,引出話題。網絡搜索答案這種行為的盛行。 3、文章第二段寫人們對于...
2018-12-30 英語四級作文_四級作文_四級英語作文 -
- 2017年6月英語四級作文10個高能總結句式
- 一提到四六級作文的結尾部分,"all in all","in conclusion"等句式就歡樂地冒了出來,殊不知閱卷老師的審美又遭遇了千篇一律的轟炸,這時就需要一些可以刺激他審美的萬能句型了! 1) From what...
2018-12-30 英語四級作文_四級作文_四級英語作文 -
- 2017年6月大學英語四級寫作八類句型
- 寫作部分是英語四級考試的第一項內容,重要性可想而知。今天英語四級頻道給大家總結了大家在考試中經常會用到的8種寫作句型的表達方法,希望大家能夠活學活用,才能取得好成績! 1.表示原因 ...
2018-12-30 英語四級作文_四級作文_四級英語作文 -
- 2017年6月英語四級作文范文:擁有私家車是好是壞?
- Private cars have become an important aspect of people’s life in many parts of our country,especially in large cities such as Beijing,Shanghai and Guangzhou.While they bring...
2018-12-30 英語四級作文_四級作文_四級英語作文 -
- 2017年6月英語四級作文范文:空氣污染
- The picture reflects the air pollution is threats our healthy day by day,everybody has to wear masks to protect themselves from the fog and haze. Therefore,we can not neglect...
2018-12-30 英語四級作文_四級作文_四級英語作文