- 孤單的你我懂:討厭孤單的人會做的8件事
- Unless I have something to distract myself, like binge-watching Netflix until 2 a.m., then I get bored just being by myself. Here are 8 things I've realized only people who hate to be...
2018-11-23 英語短文_英語美文_英文美文 -
- 哪些時刻一個人心酸無比?
- When are the toughest times to be single?什么時候一個人很難熬?獲得4k好評的答案@Kai Liu1. When you went to a buffet restaurant alone, you went to the toilet for a while. After you came back...
2018-11-23 英語短文_英語美文_英文美文 -
- 美文:朝九晚五真的是工作的意義嗎
- If you read one more article on happiness in the workplace, you're going to lose it.有人說:那些教你如何開心工作的文章,你只會更加不開心。For you, it's different. You need to continue...
2018-11-23 英語短文_英語美文_英文美文 -
- 美文欣賞:夢想成就偉大
- The question was once asked of a highly successful businessman, “How have you done so much in your lifetime?”曾經有人問一個非常成功的商人“你的人生為何如此成功?”He replied, “I have dre...
2018-11-23 英語短文_英語美文_英文美文 -
- 英漢英語美文:陽光生活每一天的5個秘訣
- 1. Don't avoid or ignore negativity.1. 勿要躲避或忽視陰暗面In order to conquer and overcome, it must be acknowledged. This can include people in your life who may be bringing you down,...
2018-11-23 英語短文_英語美文_英文美文 -
- 11條普世真理改變你的人生(下)
- 6. You are enough. Second only to fear, feeling not good enough is another way you may be holding yourself back from the life you truly desire. Regardless of what you want to do, you must...
2018-11-23 英語短文_英語美文_英文美文 -
- 11條普世真理改變你的人生(上)
- Life is an ever-evolving tapestry of lessons, growth and expansion and when you are truly tuned into the messages along the way, you find your life transforms in ways you never thought pos...
2018-11-23 英語短文_英語美文_英文美文 -
- 生活中最艱難的事
- What are the hardest things to do in life?生活中最艱難的事是什么?獲得20.9k好評的答案@Shikhar AgarwalTo decide whether to "move on" or "try harder".決定是“離開”還是“更加努力”。獲得5.9k...
2018-11-23 英語短文_英語美文_英文美文 -
- 生命的意義:擁抱生命的喧囂
- Around the time I turned 40, I went to see a therapist, a man who knew me well. I tended call him once or twice a year on an as-needed basis. I had reached the point of being able to sort...
2018-11-23 英語短文_英語美文_英文美文 -
- 背上背包去旅行:旅行的6堂人生課
- Travel versus college: the eternal debate rages on with no clear-cut winner. Faced with rising tuition costs and a less than satisfying job market, many would-be college students are ditch...
2018-11-23 英語短文_英語美文_英文美文 -
- 暖心美文:善行無小事
- I was in the Santa Cruz Mountains not long ago, speaking and singing at a women's conference. We were focusing on the theme of loving others in practical ways through our gifts, and so...
2018-11-23 英語短文_英語美文_英文美文 -
- 心的感悟:愛是什么?
- As a matchmaker, I've seen droves of people fall in love. Occasionally, love comes easy. You meet someone and you just know. Your heart tells you that one day you'll fall in love w...
2018-11-23 英語短文_英語美文_英文美文 -
- 生活的真諦:幸福
- John Lennon said: "When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote dow...
2018-11-23 英語短文_英語美文_英文美文 -
- 放開去愛:找回愛的魔力
- As I was driving around today, I heard the song, "Cruel Summer" by Bananarama.我今天正開著車四處轉,聽到了香蕉女郎組合的《無情的夏日》這首歌。It came out in 1984 during the summer, and I rem...
2018-11-23 英語短文_英語美文_英文美文 -
- 打破習慣,讓生活從此變得不同
- suggestion is to do something different.很多人都想給自己的生活做些積極的改變,但我們卻不知道從哪里開始。我的建議是去嘗試些新鮮事。When you're willing to do something different, you are t...
2018-11-23 英語短文_英語美文_英文美文 -
- 經歷的痛苦,也是人生的財富
- There’s no rose without a thorn. This thought is absolutely necessary to prepare you to experience less pain and more joy in your journey of life.人生固然有歡樂,但也一定不乏痛苦。有了...
2018-11-23 英語短文_英語美文_英文美文 -
- 給愛的人,最珍貴的禮物
- Gracious giving requires no special talent, nor large amounts of money. It is compounded of the heart and head acting together to achieve the perfect means of expressing our feelings. For,...
2018-11-23 英語短文_英語美文_英文美文 -
- 勵志美文:你可以過自己想過的生活
- Occasionally, life can be undeniably, impossibly difficult. We are faced with challenges and events that can seem overwhelming, life-destroying to the point where it may be hard to decide...
2018-11-23 英語短文_英語美文_英文美文 -
- 即使過往傷心 時間總能治愈一切
- I know you -- the heartbroken. I've been there recently, and plenty before. I know you better than you think I do. I know heartbreak as well as I know the taste of the ocean in my tear...
2018-11-23 英語短文_英語美文_英文美文 -
- 面對挑戰,勇于對自己說我可以
- I love challenging myself. I like to set a goal that seems difficult or even impossible and then do everything I can to reach that goal. It's not always easy, and sometimes I don't...
2018-11-23 英語短文_英語美文_英文美文 -
- 教師節的英語祝福語 Wishes
- For all the great things you say and do…The best teacher's award goes to you.因為您的身教言教,頒給您最佳教師獎As another school term approaches…wish your days turn out to...
2018-11-22 英語短文_英語美文_英文美文 -
- 自我宣言 Self manifesto
- I’m unique in this world. Maybe I’m similar to others in some way, but I’m irreplaceable. Every word and behavior of mine is with my personality, because it’s my ow...
2018-11-22 英語短文_英語美文_英文美文 -
- 肩上的擔子The Burden of the Shoulder
- A farmer took on firewood by tramping over mountains and through ravines every day, In order to get a day's rations and let his son goes to school with the remaining money.一位農民每天...
2018-11-22 英語短文_英語美文_英文美文 -
- 成為一個積極向上的人 To be a Positive Person
- My tea is gone cold I’m wondering why i got out of bad at all. The morning rain clouds up my window and i can’t see at all. And even if I could it’ll all be gray, but you...
2018-11-22 英語短文_英語美文_英文美文 -
- 讓我們微笑吧 Let Us Laugh
- The thing that goes the farthest toward making life worthwhile, that costs the least and does the most, is just a pleasant smile.那最能賦予生命價值、代價最廉而回報最多的東西,不過一個令人心...
2018-11-22 英語短文_英語美文_英文美文