- The Bear and the Bees
- There were once some wild Bees who lived in the hollow of tree. One day, a Bear who thought himself very strong, learned about it and came to see them. “You are very tiny and weak, Bees!” he...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Bear Who Married A Peasant's Daughter
- Once upon a time there lived an old peasant. He was not badly off except that his wife had died leaving him alone with their only daughter. Now, all of the peasant's kin, not counting some in...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Banjaran Mother
- Long long ago, somewhere in Rajasthan there lived a nomad who owned a big herd of sheep, goats and oxen. Owing to his possession of these cattle, he came to be popularly known as Lakhi Banjara (no...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Beautiful
- One of my playmates and I were making little cows out of clay. The clay was sticky and smooth since it came from a white-ant hill; it didn't fall apart the way clay with sand in it does. It was...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The bed Bug and the Mosquito
- A long, long time ago there lived a bed bug. He had a huge family. There were children, grandchildren, and great grand children. They all lived together on a beautiful bed. They lived in the corn...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Bee And The Pigeon
- A bee once fell into the water and would have drowned had a pigeon not seen it, and, plucking a leaf off a branch, held it out to it. The bee crawled out onto the leaf and was saved. On the fo...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Beetle and A Drop of Honey
- Once, long ago, there lived in Northern India a Rajah called Surya Pratap, or “Powerful as the Sun.” Now, if this Rajah was not equal to the Sun, he thought himself so, and expected everyone to ob...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Blue Crone's Spring
- There was once a lad called Ilya in our village. Alone in the world he was, for he'd buried all his kin. And each of them had left him something. From his father he'd shoulders and hands...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Best Vegetable of All
- One evening, as Emperor Akbar and a group of his courtiers strolled along a terrace which overlooked the river, the emperor remarked, “Brinjals are the finest vegetables, without a doubt.” All h...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Birthday Party
- Timothy Rabbit had a sister called Louise. In ten days' time it would be her birthday and Timothy and Mother Rabbit thought that they would give her a surprise party. Louise knew nothing of...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Blessing
- Once there was a Santhal woman called Rani who lived with her younger brother. She was very poor and a daily labourer. She went from shop to shop and house to house looking for work. Whatever...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Blue Snake
- There were two boys lived in our village, quite close together - folks called them Lanko the Rabbit and Leiko the Hat. Who'd given them those nicknames and why, I can't say. They were...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Brave Rooster
- Once upon a time there lived in Vidzeme a poor man. He had nothing to his name, not even a roof of his own over his head, and lived in a little bath-house which he rented from a lord. And of course...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Bull who Wanted to Dance
- Bernard the Bull lived at Buttercup Farm, and spent most of his time in River Meadow. Along the banks of the river grew tall reeds and grasses which swayed and rustled to the music of the wi...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Bunnies' Adventure
- Bob Bunny scuttled to his burrow and called: “Hey, Betty, I want you!” When his sister came out he whispered: “They are hay-making in the big field, and there are four lovely, juicy carrots in Dobb...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Broken Promise
- Once upon a time, there lived a Prince whose best friend was a goat-herd. The two boys spent most of their time together. The Prince would always tell the goat-herd, “Friend, when I am king, you...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Brown-Bunnies' Picnic
- “Come, my dears,” called Mrs Brown-Bunny, one fine spring morning. “It is going to be a beautiful day. If you are very, very good, children, we will have a picnic in the wood!” Little Jimmy Brown-...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Cat And Mouse In Partnership
- Would you believe it if I told you that a cat wanted to make friends with a mouse? The mouse did not believe it either, but it is true. 'I'm very fond of you, little whiskers,' said the cat. ...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Bunnies' Ball
- There was great excitement in the Brown Bunnies' burrow. It was the night of the Wood Rabbits' Ball. At last they were all ready. It was a beautiful moonlit night when they set off to t...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Clever Wife
- In a village in Marathwada there lived a Brahmin named Gundoba Bhat with his family. After his daily worship of God Vaijnath, it was his practice to feed some poor people. He was a very holy an...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Costliest Award
- After winning a crucial battle, the King, Raja Krishandevrai celebrated the victory festival. During the celebration the King said: “This victory is not only my efforts, each of you has contribut...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Crocodile's Tail
- The crab, the jackal and the crocodile had one thing in common. They ate anything, absolutely anything. The crocodile even ate the jackal, when he could catch him! Besides being very greedy, the cro...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Cat And The Cock
- Once upon a time there a lives a Cat and a Cock who loved one another dearly. The Cat would play his fiddle and the Cock would sing, the Cat would go out to get food for the two of them, and the...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Crow and the Snake
- One day a crow built herself a nest in a tree and laid some eggs there. She did not know that a Snake had a nest of her own in the same tree. Her chicks were soon hatched, and the Crow began...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The cunning crane
- Once there lived a crane near a pond. He was cunning and deceitful. The pond was full of fish, frogs and crabs. The crane fed on these animals every day. In due course of time, the crane grew...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事