- Prince Ring
- Once upon a time there was a King and his Queen in their kingdom. They had one daughter, who was called Ingiborg, and one son, whose name was Ring. He was less fond of adventures than men of r...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- Princess Rosette
- ONCE upon a time there lived a King and Queen who had two beautiful sons and one little daughter, who was so pretty that no one who saw her could help loving her. When it was time for the chris...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- Rumpelstiltzkin
- THERE was once upon a time a poor miller who had a very beautiful daughter. Now it happened one day that he had an audience with the King, and in order to appear a person of some importance he...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- Schippeitaro
- It was the custom in old times that as soon as a Japanese boy reached manhood he should leave his home and roam through the land in search of adventures. Sometimes he would meet with a young m...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- Seagull & the Coming of Light
- When the Great Spirit made all things, the First People were given gifts in carved cedar boxes. The First People were the animal people who were here before us. In one box there was water. A...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- Soria Moria Castle
- THERE was once upon a time a couple of folks who had a son called Halvor. Ever since he had been a little boy he had been unwilling to do any work, and had just sat raking about among the ashes...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- Stan Bolovan
- Once upon a time what happened did happen, and if it had not happened this story would never have been told. On the outskirts of a village just where the oxen were turned out to pasture, and...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- Story of the Emperor's New Clothes
- Many years ago there lived an Emperor who was so fond of new clothes that he spent all his money on them in order to be beautifully dressed. He did not care about his soldiers, he did not care abou...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Black Bull of Norroway
- And many a hunting song they sung, And song of game and glee; Then tuned to plaintive strains their tongue, “Of Scotland's luve and lee.” To wilder measures next they turn “The...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Blue Mountains
- There were once a Scotsman and an Englishman and an Irishman serving in the army together, who took it into their heads to run away on the first opportunity they could get. The chance came and...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Black Thief and Knight of the Glen
- IN times of yore there was a King and a Queen in the south of Ireland who had three sons, all beautiful children; but the Queen, their mother, sickened unto death when they were yet very young, whi...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Bremen Town Musicians
- A man had a donkey, who for long years had untiringly carried sacks to the mill, but whose strength was now failing, so that he was becoming less and less able to work. Then his master thought th...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Bronze Ring
- Once upon a time in a certain country there lived a king whose palace was surrounded by a spacious garden. But, though the gardeners were many and the soil was good, this garden yielded neither...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Bull, the Tup, the Cock, and the Steg
- A bull, a tup , a cock, and a steg set out together to seek their fortune. When it got to night, they came to a house, and asked for a night's lodging, but the folks said no. However, at last they w...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Boy and the Wolves, or the Broken Promise
- Once upon a time an Indian hunter built himself a house in the middle of a great forest, far away from all his tribe; for his heart was gentle and kind, and he was weary of the treachery and crue...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Cat and the Mouse in Partnership
- A cat had made acquaintance with a mouse, and had spoken so much of the great love and friendship she felt for her, that at last the Mouse consented to live in the same house with her, and to...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- he Ca隳n Flowers
- AT first there were no ca隳ns, but only the broad, open prairie. One day the Master of the Prairie, walking out over his great lawns, where were only grasses, asked the Prairie: “Where are your flo...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Child who Came from an Egg
- Once upon a time there lived a queen whose heart was sore because she had no children. She was sad enough when her husband was at home with her, but when he was away she would see nobody, but sa...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Country Mouse and the City Mouse
- The following story of the two mice, with the similar fables of The Boy who cried Wolf, The Frog King, and The Sun and the Wind, are given here with the hope that they may be of use to the many te...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Crow
- Once upon a time there were three Princesses who were all three young and beautiful; but the youngest, although she was not fairer than the other two, was the most loveable of them all. About...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Dead Wife
- Once upon a time there were a man and his wife who lived in the forest, very far from the rest of the tribe. Very often they spent the day in hunting together, but after a while the wife found t...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Death of the Sun-hero
- Many, many thousand years ago there lived a mighty King whom heaven had blessed with a clever and beautiful son. When he was only ten years old the boy was cleverer than all the King's counsell...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Death of Koschei the Deathless
- IN a certain kingdom there lived a Prince Ivan. He had three sisters. The first was the Princess Marya, the second the Princess Olga, the third the Princess Anna. When their father and mother la...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Dragon and His Grandmother
- There was once a great war, and the King had a great many soldiers, but he gave them so little pay that they could not live upon it. Then three of them took counsel together and determined to de...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- The Dragon of the North
- 'Der Norlands Drache,' from Esthnische Mahrchen. Kreutzwald, Very long ago, as old people have told me, there lived a terrible monster, who came out of the North, and laid waste whole tracts of c...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事