suggested answer: (124words)
Although sales at both ASEF Chemicals and Chemicon Ltd experienced a number of fluctuations over the period 1995-1999, turnover at both companies showed a general upword trend.
At the beginning of the period ASEF sales stood at just over $30m. They experienced a fall the following year, before picking up again in 1997 and reaching a peak of $60m in 1998. Sales fell again slightly the following year but remained higher than their 1997 level. Chemicon sales exceeded those of ASEF in 1995 ($42m compared to
$31m). Despite experiencing a fall in 1997, the overall trend was a slight rise over the four year period. Both companies ended 1999 with turnover of around $50m with Chemicon outselling ASEF for the first time since 1996.
Sample answer: (243words)
This report sets out to examine how the company should re-invest this years profits.
The areas under consideration are the purchase of new computers, the provision of language training courses and the payment of special bonuses.
Areas under consideration New computers
The majority of company computers are quite new and fast enough to handle the work done on them. Consequently, new computers would not be recommended.
Language training courses
The company aims to increase exports, particularly in Spain and France. Therefore, Language training courses would be an excellent idea for those employees who deal with business partners and customers overseas. In addition, training courses would increase motivation: staff would enjoy the lessons and perceive that the company in investing in them. Therefore, language training would be an option.
Special bonus payments
Although special bonus payments would have a beneficial impact on motivation, they would have no direct effect on the companys operations. There are also potential problems concerning the selection of staff eligible for the payments and the setting of a precedent for future payments. Therefore, bonus payments would not be advisable.