direct (v.) manage, be in charge of管理,指揮
[例] He directs our sales operation.
[同義詞] namage, control, run
director (n.) person appointed by shareholders to help manage a company 主管,董事
managing director UK [US Chief Executive Officer] 執行總裁
direct flight flight without transfer 直航
direct mail (n.) selling a product by sending information through the post直接郵寄廣告
[例] We have to wait for 2 days if we send it by direct mail.
direct selling (n.) selling directly to a customer without going through any middlemen直銷
[例] Direct selling can save a lot of money.
directory (n.) reference book containing listings目錄
[例] a telephone directory, a trade directory
discount 1. (n.) percentage reduction in a full price打折
[例] You can have 5% discount as a VIP customer.
2. (v.) reduce the full price打折
[同義詞] rebate
disintegration (n) the breaking up of a company or group of companies 解散
[例]At last , the merger of these two big companies comes to disintegration.