Flexible working Ex 5:
Sample answer: (250words)
Resource Planning Manager: Assessment ofSuitability for Home-based Working
The purpose of this report is to assess thesuitability of my position as Resource PlanningManager for home-based working.
My working pattern and that of my colleaguesvaries from week to week. During certain periods alarge proportion of my time is spent doing fieldwork. This is followed by office-based collatingand recording the data collected. Once the results have been recorded, I proof-read the colourcopies of all reports and maps.
As regards communication with colleagues, department meetings are held once afortnight. At other times, the individual members of the team communicate either face-to-faceor by phone, depending on their location. Apart from official meetings, the same results can beachieved whether I am in the office or working elsewhere.
It is clearly that I could be able to undertake the duties while working from home for a largeproportion of my time. Clearly, some days would be spent in the office for face-to-facecommunication with colleagues. It would also be necessary to use the technical facilities attimes. However, in order to be able to work effectively from home, I would need to be providedwith a networked computer and printer.
I would suggest that I should be given the necessary equipment to work partially fromhome for a trial period. After this time, further consultation should take place in order toreassess the situation.