- 2011劍橋BEC中級寫作詞匯1
aggressive adjective 敢作敢為/侵略性的
aggression - noun 進攻,侵略
appointment noun 約會,指定
badge noun 徽章,證章
colleague noun 同事,同僚
2018-12-08 BEC寫作 -
- 2011劍橋BEC中級寫作詞匯2
- UNIT 2 Letters, faxes and memos
attend to verb 處理,料理
e-mail noun 電子郵件
memo noun 備忘錄
proportion noun 比例,部分
envelope noun 信封
cc carbon copy 副本...
2018-12-08 BEC寫作 -
- 2011劍橋BEC中級寫作詞匯3
- UNIT 3 On the phone
mobile phone noun 移動電話
phone booth noun 公共電話亭
telephonist noun 接線生,話務員
batch noun 一批
courier noun 導游,信使
prototype noun...
2018-12-08 BEC寫作 -
- 2011劍橋BEC中級寫作詞匯4
- UNIT 4 Summaries, notes, reports
break noun 休息,暫停
frequent adjective 時常發生的/頻繁的
improve verb 改善,改進
physiotherapist noun 理療醫師
card noun 卡片,名片
2018-12-08 BEC寫作 -
- 2011劍橋BEC中級寫作詞匯5
- UNIT 5 Working together
join verb 參加,加入
pension scheme noun 養老金計劃或方案
trade union (US labor union) noun 工會
aerospace adjective/noun 航空航天空間,航空航天技...
2018-12-08 BEC寫作 -
- BEC中級寫作模擬題
Mr. Lee is going to buy a large amount of electronic components from your company. He alsoshows an interest in your company‘s PCX phone machine, which is in t...
2018-12-08 BEC寫作 -
- BEC中級寫作指南:簡單高效最有用
- Communicating in English effectively is essential in today's global economy.在今日全球化的經濟環境下,有效地用英語交流已經變得至關重要。But conveying your ideas clearly is a skill that n...
2018-12-08 BEC寫作 -
- 2014商務英語中級寫作范文:商務信函
- 商務信函Dear Jacques,Lightweight batteriesI am writing to you because we have been having a bit of trouble with one of our suppliers who makes the lightweight batteries we use to power our...
2018-12-08 BEC寫作 -
- 2014商務英語中級寫作范文:旅游推銷信
- 旅游推銷信Dear Folks,We are having a wonderful time on Lake Gomey in Maine.There are so many things to do you just don’t know where to begin. You can sail the catboats all around the...
2018-12-08 BEC寫作 -
- 2014商務英語中級寫作范文:文件報告
- 文件報告Report on records management conferenceA summary of the Records Management Conference I attended in Detroit on August 10 is included in this report.Summary of Seessions AttendedThe...
2018-12-08 BEC寫作 -
- 2014商務英語中級寫作范文:推銷信
- 推銷信Dear Customer,When someone in the family experiences hearing loss, he is not the only one to experience frustrationHave you noticed a loved one: Missing parts of conversations? Askin...
2018-12-08 BEC寫作 -
- 2014商務英語BEC中級寫作:商務文體寫作范例1
- 海報是貼在人來人往的地方,告知廣大群眾大多是喜聞樂見的消息,如電影消息、球訊、商品報道等等,其性質類似廣告,有的還配以繪畫以增加吸引力。有關球賽的海報POSTERFootball MatchAll Are Warmly WelcomeUnde...
2018-12-08 BEC寫作 -
- 2014商務英語BEC中級寫作:商務文體寫作范例2
- 感謝信Letter of Thanks感謝信(Letter of Thanks)是外國政府機構或個人的關心、支持、幫助或熱情款待表示感謝的對外函件。其具體格式和要求與邀請函相同。例文 ...
2018-12-08 BEC寫作 -
- 2014商務英語BEC中級寫作:商務文體寫作范例3
- 行業成績證明書等等,是用來證明一個人的身份、學歷、婚姻狀況、身體情況等或某一件事情的真實情況。證明信的寫法通常也采用一般信件格式,但多省掉收信人的姓名、地址和結束用語。稱呼多用“To Whom It May...
2018-12-08 BEC寫作 -
- 2014商務英語BEC中級寫作:商務文體寫作范例4
- WRITINGPART ONETo all graphics staff:Sales have fallen recently because, although our packaging is functional, it is unattractive. I think we should develop new and appealing designs. Coul...
2018-12-08 BEC寫作 -
- 2014商務英語BEC中級寫作:商務文體寫作范例5
- WRITINGPART ONETO: ALL Section HeadsThere are eight vacancies on training courses being given in Mary and June. The courses provide useful training for junior staff in computers, time mana...
2018-12-08 BEC寫作 -
- 2014商務英語BEC中級寫作:商務文體寫作范例6
- 按照題目的要求是寫一個通告。因此在文章的開頭或結尾就應該有一些必要的客套話。另外,題目要求“分析,比較”已提供的數據,所以重復題目中的數據沒有意義,而應該通過計算,去尋找更有意義的間接的數據內容。總...
2018-12-08 BEC寫作 -
- 2014商務英語BEC中級寫作:商務文體寫作范例7
- 辭退To: Francis Xu, General OfficeFrom: Marc Morgan, Director of PersonnelDate: June 5, 199-Subject: Terminating EngagementMr. Xu, you may already know that the Directors of the company will soon...
2018-12-08 BEC寫作 -
- 2014商務英語BEC中級寫作:商務文體寫作范例8
- Look at the letter below. Rewrite it as an individual letter to a customer - which would certainly be necessary if the customer had ordered ten items at this price and not just one.The fir...
2018-12-08 BEC寫作 -
- 2014商務英語BEC中級寫作:商務文體寫作范例9
- 格式問題1. 格式問題:請同學們在BEC的寫作中采用平頭式的寫法。收信人的姓名和地址置于信紙的左上方地址、稱呼和結束禮詞后沒有標點符號日期在右上方段落從定格開始,段落之間的行距為兩行(但在考試中由于...
2018-12-08 BEC寫作 -
- 2014商務英語BEC中級寫作:商務文體寫作范例10
- To: William Smith, SupervisorFrom: George Zhang, Accounting DepartmentDate: March 21, 20-Subject: Casual Leave of AbsenceWilliam, I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence...
2018-12-08 BEC寫作 -
- 2014商務英語BEC中級寫作:商務文體寫作范例(1)
- 有關球賽的海報POSTERFootball MatchAll Are Warmly WelcomeUnder the auspices of the Student Union of our university, a friendly football match will be held between our team and the team of C...
2018-12-08 BEC寫作 -
- 2014商務英語BEC中級寫作:商務文體寫作范例(2)
- 感謝信Letter of Thanks感謝信(Letter of Thanks)是外國政府機構或個人的關心、支持、幫助或熱情款待表示感謝的對外函件。其具體格式和要求與邀請函相同。例文 ...
2018-12-08 BEC寫作 -
- 商務英語中級寫作指導:備忘錄的寫法
- 注意事項:1. 仔細閱讀作文要求,判斷該題是要求你寫備忘錄還是便條?因為這關系到作文行文中語言表達的正式程度。2. 根據題目要求核對所寫作文是否包括了該寫的三個部分。核對作文第一稿的長度,必要時可作修...
2018-12-08 BEC寫作 -
- BEC中級寫作開頭結尾常用句型 商務英語寫作技巧
- 第一部分、BEC作文段首句常用句型一、對立觀點命題形式的首句1. Many people do not doubt that A is superior to B , while others think quite differently on the issue of _____. Personally, I sta...
2018-12-08 BEC寫作