This assumption presents a false dilemma, since the two media are not necessarily mutually exclusive alternatives.
Common sense tells us that a photographer can succeed by working in both media.
The argument ignores the factors - such as initiative, creativity, technical skills, and business judgment - that may be more important than the choice of medium in determining success in photography.
The major problem with the argument is that the stated similarities between Company A and B are insufficient to support the conclusion that Company A will suffer a fate similar to Company B’s.
Consequently, the mere fact that Company A holds a large share of the video - game hardware and software market does not support the claim that Company A will also fail.
Thus, the author unfairly assumes that highly - rated public television programs are necessarily widely viewed, or popular.
While this may be true in some cases, it is equally possible that only companies with products that are already best - sellers can afford the higher ad rates that popular shows demand.