很多雅思考生考場時寫作自我感覺良好,7分不在話下,但成績出來后是重重的打臉。有人哭嚷著運氣不佳,考官有眼無珠,反正就是要復議了。其實,可能只是你會錯了意,以為是情投意合,其實是同床異夢。說直白點,就是你跑題了。能理解雞同鴨講的感覺么?那就是考官看到你的跑題作文的感覺。只能說,童鞋你題目要求沒好好理解清楚,寫的時候完全意識流的文章,感覺卷面滿滿字數就以為萬事大吉了,然后考試費就這樣白交了。雅思寫作大作文(TASK2)寫作說明(instruction)很固定,除了通常標為斜體字的題目(statement+ question)部分外,作文題目的格式幾乎一成不變。但這個看似固定的題目說明卻“暗藏玄機”, 如果不搞清楚,考生的作文極有可能因為達不到要求而丟分。我們通過一道雅思作文真題,來看看雅思大作文寫作說明的“玄機”在哪。
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
Some people think parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your own knowledge or experience.
透過上面方框中的真題的“題目說明” (instruction)我們可以看出:
1 須在40分鐘內完成大作文。因為要審題,構思檢查,真正寫作過程可能只有35分鐘。
2 論證自己的觀點時,可適當舉例,但所有的例子應貼近考生的知識和經驗。
3 字數應該超過250詞,270詞左右,因為抄自題目的單詞不被計入總字數。
4 雅思大作文屬于控制性寫作,課后多練,達到很高的熟練度,獲得高分才有可能。
二, 如何快速審清題目?
1 劃出關鍵詞匯(key terms),確定主題。本題主題為教育類的教師作用問題。
2 理解寫作核心(focus),引出思路。本題核心為老師還是父母教孩子做人。
3 看清題目問法(question),明確要求。本題為Argumentation, 需有自己的觀點。
三, 關于學術文體的說明
雅思大作文屬于學術英語寫作的范疇,和一般的文學寫作有區別。雅思官網的學習中心也特意提到,考生要寫semi-formal style 的作文。 這種半正式的學術體的基本特點是:
1 客觀冷靜的敘述風格(impersonal style )
A 多用被動語態語態 - the passive voice, 請對比:
Active voice: The authors suggest:
Passive voice: It is suggested ....(雅思作文常用句式)
B 多用第三人稱而非第1人稱 - the third person rather than the first person ( it rather than I or we ) , 請對比:
First person : I assumed that ....
Third person: It was assumed that .....( 雅思作文常用句式)
2 正式的詞匯 (Formal vocabulary)
雅思官網給出的一段話: Formal English uses more complex vocabulary than everyday speech. Examples are multi-syllable words like compensate, ascend and interrogate. It also prefers one-part verbs (e.g. Establish ) instead of simpler, phrasal verbs (e.g. Set up). Slang and colloquial vocabulary are avoided. 這段話說明,同樣是“上升” 和“開始”用多音節的 ascend 和 commence,而不是 rise 和 start這種單音節詞。再者俚語和口語是要肯定避免的。
3 長而復雜的句式 (longer complex sentence)
再看雅思給出的例子:To discuss problems with parents is difficult. Other family member might be able to listen more sympathetically and give advice.這兩句雖有聯系,但句子之間零散無充分銜接手段,意義表達不清,非學術語言。應該寫成: It is difficult to discuss problems with parents, whereas other family members might be able to listen more sympathetically and give advice.
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