雅思大作文7種寫作誤區實例解讀 同義替換強迫癥
話題:Some people believe that older generation’s traditional ideas are not the right way to live, think and behave in modern society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(2008/01/19)
Past ideas are precious treasures of human beings. Although not every traditional idea can be used in modern community, many of them still have their reference value for the development of our society. In other words, if we follow these ideas in the properly on the basis of current situation, they still could pave the right way for us to think and live.
重點看past,community,還有pave the right way。較準確的表達可以是traditional, society, be a good guidance。
還有:It is the heritage of traditional opinions that enables us to be frugal for living materials, natural and social resources. 這句話的說理用上了heritage, enable,其實本身都沒有問題,但是放在這,顯得突兀。“傳統觀點”的遺產,使我們能夠變得節約。一部分原因是作者把traditional ideas換成了traditional opinions,這其實不是無縫的同義替換。較好的表達可以是:Traditional ideas teach us to be frugal and always save for the future.
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