- 雅思寫作觀點:生理原則
- 2.生理原則: 體育課: Encouraging physical activity in the young through compulsory PE fights child obesity and contributes to forming lifelong habits of exercise. 體罰: The actual...
2018-11-29 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 四個方法提高雅思英文寫作能力
- 對多數中國學生來說,在英語寫作的學習過程中,往往受到兩方面因素的干擾:一是中式思維的影響,用英語文字表達漢語思想,使得不了解中國文化的外國人讀后不知所云,摸不著頭腦;二是傳統英語考試作文評分標準...
2018-11-29 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作經典結尾句型
- Obviously(此為過渡短語), we can draw the conclusion that good manners arise from politeness and respect for others. 更多過渡短語: to sum up, in conclusion, in brief, on account of this,...
2018-11-29 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思議論文應該如何分段
- 關于雅思議論文到底寫幾段,不同的老師有不同的說法。 我一直都認為衡量文章結構只有兩個標準: 1 能不能把問題講清楚; 2 考場上有沒有實戰意義,有沒有可操作性。 所以我認為,四段式的文章更好,因...
2018-11-29 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作中要善用直白描述
- 雅思寫作考試考的是應用語言的能力,而不是考生的思想有多深刻;這句話經常被簡化為:雅思寫作考的是語言,而不是內容。這句話本身是沒有問題的:作為語言考試,雅思的重點在于考生如何使用語言,而不是考生的思維到...
2018-11-29 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作范文分享:自私與貪婪
- Individual greed and selfishness has been the basis of the modern society. Someone think that we must return to the olds, more traditional values of respect for the family and the local c...
2018-11-29 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作范文:新發明-飛行器
- Task: Motorized flight is the greatest invention in the history. No other inventions exerts greater impact. do you agree or disagree. New scientific inventions have dramatically change...
2018-11-29 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作范文:城市龐大的原因及后果
- Since cities have changed a lot, the size of the cities has grown enormously. Discuss the causes and consequence of the enormous size of cities. Nowadays, the maps of cities are update...
2018-11-29 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作范文:機器翻譯與學習外語
- 隨著機器翻譯技術的發展,孩子需要學習外語嗎? Some people think that machine translation is highly developed in today’s society. Therefore it is not necessary for children to learn a fore...
2018-11-29 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作范文:政府補貼藝術工作者
- Traditional arts civilized a nation. 1.Do you think government should subsidize musicians, artists, actors or drama companies? 2.What should a government do? 正文...
2018-11-29 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 詳解雅思大作文的“靈動豐富”
- 靈:大作文也是有靈魂的。 中國學生聽說讀寫四門課寫作和口語比較難拿高分,正是因為這兩門考試能更為全面地反應出考生的綜合語言實力,沒有一定的知識面,嚴密的邏輯思維,熟練的思辨技巧,必然很難在較短的時...
2018-11-29 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思圖表作文模板句
- Para1. This is a table / chart / (line線狀 bar柱狀 pie餅狀)graph which demonstrate / illustrate / reveal /depict /privide information about............. Para2. (1)Obvious /Apparent fro...
2018-11-29 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2014雅思寫作觀點如何找:教育原則
- 教育原則 電視: Many scientific and cultural programs are shown on television, which give new educational opportunities for our society. 動物園: Zoos nowadays are not marketed as...
2018-11-29 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作素材:knowledgevs.training
- Some people think that university should not provide theoretical knowledge, but to give practical training beneficial to the society. Do you agree or disagree? Use your own experie...
2018-11-29 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2104雅思寫作觀點如何找:經濟原則
- 經濟原則 1)錢 女人就業: Women find they must work to earn enough money to provide for their family. Once they get married, the majority of women continue working since the fina...
2018-11-29 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作:寫作觀點參考原則
- 1.權利自由原則 動物: It is a breach of their natural rights to take them by force into captivity for our own purposes. Animals have the right to be treated as beings of value in t...
2018-11-29 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作經典套句整理
- 第一部分、用于雅思小作文開頭部分經典句型 1、通過第一個曲線圖,我們可以知道____,也說明了結果是___ According to the first graph, it can be seen that ______________, it can also be concl...
2018-11-29 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作13個常見題材總結
- 一、教育類: A 理論與實踐1 知識和經驗的重要性(AB)2 為什么要上大學3大學理論和實踐課程的關系4成功人士所需素質是不是必須從大學或相似的科研學術機構中學習5高中畢業的學生是否應該在去大學前要工...
2018-11-29 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作常見語法錯誤歸納
- 一、不一致 所謂不一致不光指主謂不一致,還包括了數的不一致、時態不一致以及代詞不一致等。比如:When one have money, he can do what he want to。 分析:one是第三人稱單數,因此本句的have應改為ha...
2018-11-29 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作中要善用直白描述將觀點說透
- 雅思寫作,簡單直白最重要 雅思寫作考試考的是應用語言的能力,而不是考生的思想有多深刻;這句話經常被簡化為:雅思寫作考的是語言,而不是內容。這句話本身是沒有問題的:作為語言考試,雅思的重點在于考生如何...
2018-11-29 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2014雅思寫作觀點如何找:生理原則
- 生理原則: 體育課: Encouraging physical activity in the young through compulsory PE fights child obesity and contributes to forming lifelong habits of exercise. 體罰: The actual p...
2018-11-29 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2014雅思寫作觀點如何找:權利自由原則
- 權利自由原則 動物: It is a breach of their natural rights to take them by force into captivity for our own purposes. Animals have the right to be treated as beings of value in the...
2018-11-29 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2014雅思寫作觀點如何找:心理原則
- 心理原則 電視: Depression is a well-known psychological problem of modern society. The popularity of TV watching is among the reasons of this phenomenon. Violence, aggression, crimes...
2018-11-29 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2014雅思寫作觀點如何找:文化原則
- 文化原則 1)文化重要性 捕鯨: Whale hunting is an important aspect of some people’s cultural heritage. 建筑: Architecture is part of a country’s cultural heritage. 語言: ...
2018-11-29 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作范文:讓老人住養老院還是家里
- As for elderly, living in caring house is better than living at home with young children. Present your argument to illustrate whether you agree or disagree. 正文: Nowadays more a...
2018-11-29 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文