- 2013年雅思考試寫作詞匯妙用集錦3
- 1、lead a sedentary life 過著宅的生活2、curious,immature and naïve 很傻很天真3、be indulged in 沉迷4、pornography and violence 很黃很暴力5、手機的優缺點FOR:Convenient & efficientEnrich li...
2018-11-28 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2013年雅思考試寫作詞匯妙用集錦匯總
- 2013年雅思考試寫作詞匯妙用集錦匯總1 2013年雅思考試寫作詞匯妙用集錦12 2013年雅思考試寫作詞匯妙用集錦23 2013年雅思考試寫作詞匯妙用集錦3中華考試網(Examw.COM)提供 更多 雅思作文、雅思寫...
2018-11-28 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2013年雅思寫作范文:公民的醫療福利
- Should government provide equal health care for all the citizens? The quality of health care a person receives should not depend on the size of their bank balance. The government is respo...
2018-11-28 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2013年雅思寫作范文:移民的利弊
- Every year large numbers of people migrate from one country to another for different reasons. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of migration for the individual and for society as a who...
2018-11-28 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2013年雅思寫作范文:廣告促進銷量還是質量
- Advertising only improves the quantity of products sold rather than the quality of products. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Sample Writing Advertisements, as an unavoidable...
2018-11-28 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2013年雅思寫作范文:如何讓人們重視基礎科學
- Basic science is ignored by many people today. What are the causes of this phenomenon and what are your solutions? Sample Writing The trend of selecting humanities is gaining increasi...
2018-11-28 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2013年雅思寫作范文:交通發展的矛盾
- There are more and more vehicles in front of your houses, which is very dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians. Besides, many gardens have to make way to highways or expressways. How can we m...
2018-11-28 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2013年雅思寫作范文:電腦翻譯能取代人嗎?
- Topic: some people say that computers can translate all kinds of languages .therefore ,children do not need to learn foreign languages any more. What’s your opinion? Computer plays an im...
2018-11-28 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2013年雅思寫作范文:政府與傳統藝術
- Topic: Traditional arts civilized a nation. Do you think the government should subsidize musicians, artists, or drama companies? What should government do ? Nowadays there is a growing te...
2018-11-28 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2013年雅思寫作范文:現代科技對人類生活影響
- The development of modern technology has made people's life more complex, so people should choose to have a simple and easy life without using technology. To what extent do you agree or disag...
2018-11-28 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2013年雅思寫作范文:對待電子游戲態度
- >Computer games are supported by some families because of their advantages, while other parents are against them. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Give reasons for your answer an...
2018-11-28 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2013年雅思寫作范文:政府提供平等的醫療福利
- Should government provide equal health care for all the citizens? The quality of health care a person receives should not depend on the size of their bank balance. The government is respo...
2018-11-28 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2013年雅思寫作范文:政府資助與群眾資助
- 雅思寫作范文話題 Some governments provide financial assistance for retired, unemployed and disabled citizens. In other countries, families provide support for these people. Discuss both s...
2018-11-28 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2013年雅思寫作范文:大學生對課外活動態度
- Full-time university students need to spend a lot of time on studying, but it is essential to get involved in other activities. To what extent do you agree or disagree? On college campuse...
2018-11-28 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2013年雅思寫作范文:關于產品廣告的看法
- To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising usually encourages consumers to buy a product or service in quantity rather than promoting its quality....
2018-11-28 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2013年雅思寫作范文:對手機兒童的看法
- Many children these days have their own mobile phones. What are the advantages and disadvantages? Give your own opinion. (Cyprus) Today more and more young children have their own mobile...
2018-11-28 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2013年雅思寫作范文:出國旅游的討論
- Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To...
2018-11-28 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2013年雅思寫作提綱:跳槽的原因及解決辦法
- 跳槽的原因及解決辦法 1.相關詞匯: Fierce competition heavy pressure job-hopping is looked upon to move upward quickly, keep skill fresh and up to date acclimatize themselves to the rapidly...
2018-11-28 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2013年雅思寫作提綱:大學的主要功能
- 大學是否應該根據就業教授學生知識,大學的主要功能是什么 平衡寫: 1. 認為應該提供實際知識的: (1)大學生畢業就要找工作,因此要培養學生掌握future job的技能 (2)有人甚至聲稱理論沒用,不是每個...
2018-11-28 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2013年雅思寫作提綱:個人對環境的貢獻
- 個人不能對環境保護做不了什么,同意不同意 This is just an excuse for the ignorance of environmental protection 1. 分析環境惡化原因是缺乏環保意識 2. 給出解決辦法 更多 雅思作文、...
2018-11-28 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作必備知識點1
- 句子就是財富,句子就是一切,這些句子是從近百篇雅思優秀作文中摘錄下來并經反復推敲提煉而成的.對于復習時間短,基礎較薄弱的朋友能夠在短期內熟悉且背誦這些經典句子無疑是準備雅思考試的捷徑。 according...
2018-11-28 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作必備知識點2
- there is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extremely serious problem :the city authorities should take strong measures to deal with it. 無可否認,空氣污染是一個極其嚴重的問題:城市當局...
2018-11-28 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思考試作文主要體裁
- TASK 2的體裁屬于議論文(ARGUMENTATIVE WRTING),通常分為discussion和 argumentation兩大類。Discussion要求考生分析某個方面的問題/現象,找出成因并提出相應解決辦法,往往以特殊問句形式出題(WH-,HOW)。Argumentat...
2018-11-28 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作必備知識點3
- 聽力 Section 1 新題 寄禮物給各國的朋友 難度 ☆ Section 2 舊題(預測中) Version39 Section3 難度 ★☆ Section 3 新題 GreenHouse 難度 ★★ Section 4 新題 動物睡眠 難度 ★★ 閱讀 (...
2018-11-28 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作必備知識點4
- 不少考生認為,雅思的寫作是難點。本期專題,朗閣海外考試研究中心的老師就向大家介紹一些備考雅思寫作的經驗:正確理解雅思寫作的評分標準,避免陷入三個誤區―― 誤區1:語言越難分數越高 語言包括詞匯和句...
2018-11-28 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文