- 雅思寫作范文:Tourist should do in Rome as Rome does
- What is a culture? Although there is no an agreement about the definitionof culture, people generally consider it to be the ways people eat, play, dress, drink, think, and work. When one pers...
2018-11-26 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作范文:Tourists learning history is valuable
- History is more than the old stories, myths, or an academic subject for the scholars to write papers or books. Like many other sciences, history not only tells people what have happened befor...
2018-11-26 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作輔導:Body and soul
- 肉體和靈魂 雅思大作文常會出一些有關科技發明或娛樂方式的利與弊話題。那么不管是寫好處還是壞處,考生應該從該發明或娛樂對人的肉體和靈魂這兩方面去組織自己的分支觀點。比如電腦對肉體的影響: You...
2018-11-26 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作輔導:Science and technology and economy
- 雅思大作文寫作構思是大家在備考雅思大作文的時候需要著重練習的一個部分,雅思寫作不僅需要平時增強語言功底的同時,還要勤于思考分析。因為在考試的過程中,我們只有很少的一點時間來構思大作文。所以下面為大...
2018-11-26 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作輔導:Equal rights
- 雅思大作文寫作構思是大家在備考雅思大作文的時候需要著重練習的一個部分,雅思寫作不僅需要平時增強語言功底的同時,還要勤于思考分析。因為在考試的過程中,我們只有很少的一點時間來構思大作文。所以下面為大...
2018-11-26 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作輔導:Crime and the law
- 在雅思寫作中,提到犯罪與法律類的寫作話題,很多學生會覺得其中的一些內容是十分陌生的,而且在面對這類寫作話題時,會時常感到無從下手,不知從何談起,所以今天小編就為各位考生整理了一些與之相關的寫作話題,考生們...
2018-11-26 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作輔導:Education
- 教育類的雅思寫作話題是最常見的,也是考生練習比較多的一類。下面天道小編搜集整理了關于教育的雅思寫作話題的分類和相關延伸的話題,非常詳細,也非常有實際的借鑒意義。下面大家一起來看看詳細內容吧。 1....
2018-11-26 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2012雅思寫作模板之單詞句型
- 雅思寫作:單詞句型是要點,以供各位考生考試復習參考,希望對考生復習有所幫助。 雅思考試中,寫作一直是海外名校關注的重點,也是廣大雅思考生的一大軟肋,尤其是去英國留學。從2005年以來,寫作平均分數持續呈下...
2018-11-26 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2012雅思寫作模板之把握圖表作文關鍵點
- 雅思學術類考試的TASK ONE圖表作文寫作是雅思考試所特有的寫作命題形式,主要考察考生是否能夠在較短時間內對題干中所給出的數據(典型的線、柱、餅、表四大數據類圖表)或非數據(地圖、對比示意圖和流程圖三類主...
2018-11-26 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2012雅思寫作素材(上)
- a big fish in a small pond 小地方的大人物 例句: In her hometown, she was a big fish in a small pond , but after she moved to New York, she was just only one among many millions. 在她家鄉...
2018-11-26 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 2012雅思寫作素材(下)
- Pros and Cons of Tourism Pros: 1. It is regarded as a pillar of key local economic development. 2. The booming tourist industry has created more job openings. Many people have sai...
2018-11-26 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作范文欣賞01
- The birth of cars have made an enormous change to our life.in the past,we travel from one place to another only by foot,nowaday,cars can do it .its goes withour saying that the invention of c...
2018-11-26 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作范文欣賞02
- Private cars vs Public traffic As traffic problems become more and more serious in many cities of developed and developing countries, their governments have to try hard and loads of mone...
2018-11-26 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作范文欣賞03
- With the development of science and technology, the cars have already become the important component in our daily life gradually. Cars make our life convenient and swift. However, too many ca...
2018-11-26 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作范文欣賞04
- With the rapid progress of society, people’s living standard is dramatically improved, with more convenience and resource coming to us. However, our living environment at the same time is ge...
2018-11-26 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作范文欣賞05
- With the development of society, the discrimination between males and females has been reduced to a certain degree. As a result, some people even suggest that every subject of universities sh...
2018-11-26 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作范文欣賞06
- Introduction (56 words) Since the discovery of tobacco related to a number of health problems, an increasing number of people have called for prohibiting smoking. It is undeniable that still...
2018-11-26 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作范文欣賞07
- When you look back to the last century, amazingly you will find that not only all world’s largest populated cities had experienced different population growth rates, but also the difference...
2018-11-26 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作:Agree or disagree
- Introduction Recent years have witnessed ………(背景), which has aroused a heated debate of whether ……….(把要討論的話題引入進來) Views on this issue vary from person to person. From my poin...
2018-11-26 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作:introduction介紹段萬能
- 在雅思寫作考試部分里,往往我們可以采納“老三段”式的寫法,以不變應萬變,不論是線圖,柱圖,表格,餅圖,亦或是流程圖,我們都可以采用此種方式完成第一部分的作文。那么老三段式的經典寫法中,強調著第一段“開門見山”...
2018-11-26 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作技巧:如何避免字數不足
- 雅思寫作可以說是中國烤鴨最頭疼的一項。口語還能忽悠幾句,寫作則是完全沒有辦法。寫不出漂亮句子,用不好高級單詞還是小事,最可怕的是有時候完全不知道要說什么,落得一個字數不夠。要知道,字數絕對是雅思作文中...
2018-11-26 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作:International investment
- In order to let cash flow in, the door must be open. There is an increased awareness among developing countries that they cannot reach their expected economic potentials without attracting eq...
2018-11-26 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作:免費圖書館
- The public can still benefit from visiting libraries, even though these days access to the Internet can provide all kinds of information. To enhance the quality of research, it is better to m...
2018-11-26 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作:成功的欲望
- Many successful persons seem alike to have a very strong will called desire. It seems an uncommon common sense to make success happen. Probably no other human characteristic is more outstan...
2018-11-26 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文 -
- 雅思寫作:Failure cause
- Introduction--3 sentences 1. It has often said that to avoid failures in life it requires a strong will to construct the road to success. 2. People with a desire strong enough can st...
2018-11-26 雅思作文_雅思寫作_雅思范文