151. lottery citizens“彩民”
152. sponsor charities or athletic development扶持慈善事業與體育發展
153. try one‘s luck碰運氣 154.make easy money輕松賺錢
155. great temptation巨大的誘惑
156. In my mind, lottery is much the same as gambling in nature and it certainly brings more negative effects than positive effects, if any.在我看來,購買彩票與賭博在性質上并無二致,它有很多負面作用,而正面作用卻微乎其微。
157. earning-quick-buck mentality迅速暴富的思想
158. Secondly, not a few people, being indulged in lottery, lose not only initiative for work but also interest in life.第二,不少人對彩票癡心不改,對工作失去了積極性,對生活失去了興趣。
159. Wishful thinking如意算盤 160. fall into four categories歸結為四類
161. addiction to drugs吸毒成癮 162. habitual drug-takers(吸毒)癮君子
163. First, mass media keep us well informed of the happenings of the world which would otherwise remain unknown.首先,通過大眾傳媒,我們對世界風云變幻了如指掌,否則我們就會一無所知。
164. They must make great efforts to meet the satisfaction of the adults, and at the same time go out of their way to avoid imposing bad influence on the children.他們既要努力滿足成年觀眾的需求,又要避免影片對兒童產生不利影響。
165. Films and TV series ought to educate the young but not to ruin them.影片和電視節目應對未成年人起到教化作用而不是教唆作用。
166. combine book knowledge with practice將書本知識與實踐結合
167. Though it does good to college students in many ways, the golden week can never be said to bring no problems.對大學生而言,盡管黃金周好處多多,但其負面效應也是客觀存在的。
168. cherish time珍惜時間
169. Nowadays we have heard too much about piracy here and there.今天,盜版現象隨處可見 pirated videos and pornographic publications盜版影碟或淫穢出版物
170. make great fortune overnight一夜暴富
171. authentic copyright holders版權合法持有者 172. prosecute起訴
173. employ more scientific and advanced inspection methods利用更多科學,先進的檢測手段
174. only attach importance to superficial characteristics只注重產品的外在特征
175. tell the authentic copy from the false one將正版與盜版區分開來
176. Actions speak louder than words.行動勝于空談。
177. The early 1990‘s witnessed an unprecedented tide of rural workers flooding into big cities.20世紀90年代初期,農民工開始如潮水般地涌入大城市。
178. No one denies the important contribution rural workers have made to urban development.沒有人能否認農民工為城市建設做出的重要貢獻。
179. An indispensable part of urban life城市生活中不可或缺的一部分
180. Yet an anti-migrant attitude runs consistently through the mainstream of urbanization.然而,反對農民工進城的態度一直貫穿于城市化主流進程之中。
181. They also blame them for the sharp rise in urban crime rate.他們還把城市犯罪率的急劇上升歸罪于農民工。
182. Most of the government officials are honest and hardworking, but cases of dishonesty and corruption in government are frequently reported in recent years.大多數政府官員是誠實敬業的。但近年來官員瀆職,腐敗案件時有發生。
183. seek ease and comfort貪圖安逸享樂 184. neglect one‘s duty玩忽職守
185. They abuse the power entrusted to them by the people.他們濫用人民賦予的權利。
186. government at all levels各級政府
187. launch a nationwide campaign against all forms of corruption在全國范圍內開展反腐敗斗爭。
188. serve the people whole-heartedly全心全意為人民服務。
189. expose and denounce the offenders 曝光和揭發違法犯罪者
190. supervisory authorities監督部門
191. a guarantee to strengthen the economic construction促進經濟建設的保證
192. take strict and effective measures采取嚴厲,有效的手段
193. Honesty can earn government high prestige among people, and maintain the close ties between government and its people.誠實守信能為政府贏得威信,加強政府與人民的密切聯系。
194. a dramatic increase急劇的增長
195. shortsightedness短視的行為,無遠見的行為 196. quit school輟學
197. earn one‘s living謀生
198. make the farmers fully aware of the importance of the young generation‘s education使農民充分認識到青少年教育的重要性。
199. lighten their financial burden減輕他們的經濟負擔
200. one-child policy獨生子女政策