考研英語寫作是提分項,考生要想拿高分就在下苦工。寫好英語作文不外乎背模板 和多練習,但是模板不是死記硬背,而是要靈活運用。下面小編和大家分享幾類常見話題寫作模板,希望考生能夠好好利用。》》2015考研英語寫作如何走出模板窘境
The picture shows…… . symbolizes…… . As is quoted in the picture,…… .
It apparently mirrors an increasingly common social phenomenon in China— in contrast with…… . One the one hand, the problem partially attributes to…… . Sometimes…… . On the other hand,…… . For example,…… ,while…… .
In my opinion, the government needs to launch a reform in the education system with measures that can show immediate effect. proves to be most beneficial to students. Further, a large-scale reform in the macroeconomic level to is the basic solution of this issue.
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