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在現行的英語專業四級考試(TEM一4)中,寫作測試由兩部分組成,即便條和作文。其中,作文是學生反映問題較為集中的部分。在平時的教學過程當中,總有很多同學詢問如何才能夠在短時間內提高專四作文水平。其實英語學習是一個長期積累的過程,并無太多捷徑,短期的突擊也無異于杯水車薪。但是,可以通過對于考試規律的掌握來調整臨考狀態,提高應考能力,從而獲取最佳效果。以下,筆者就專四作文的應試策略談幾點看法。一、時間安排作文的寫作時間為35分鐘,合理的時間安排為10+20+5。前面的10分鐘用來讀題審題,構思并列提綱,這是考生常常忽視的一個至關重要的環節。正確的讀題審題有利于理清行文思路,也避免了差之毫厘、失之千里的遺憾。構思列提綱就如同建筑師在蓋房子之前繪制藍圖,完善、全面的提綱可使考生在這個框架內填充、擴展,而不至于跑題,避免了想到哪就寫到哪的盲目性。接著的2O分鐘用來按照提綱寫作,最后5分鐘用來檢查潤色。合理的時間安排是寫出優秀作文必不可少的第一步。二、卷面設置對于作文這樣的主觀題而言,考生與閱卷老師在無形之中彼此互動、相互影響。一個考生可以做的,首先是通過卷面給閱卷老師留下好的第一印象。要想使自己的文章在大約一分鐘的閱讀時間內給老師以賞心悅目的感覺,作文的排版應該不多于卷面的2/3,不少于1/3。換句話說,就是要留有余地,不要將卷面寫得密密麻麻。字體不要過大或過小,字間距保持均勻,字跡要工整。段落方面,格式要整齊劃一,段首或一律頂格或一律空四個字母的位置。這些都有易于考生先發制人,取得先機。三、作文結構及內容 TEM一4作文的體裁以議論文為主,由四個部分組成:標題 (title),介紹(introduction),主體(body)和結尾(conclusion)。作文題目要求中一般包含標題,所以需要考試~大考生完成的就只有其余三個部分。
(一)介紹(introduction) 介紹部分是一篇文章的“地圖”,用來提綱挈領。其中第一句的作用是用來說明整段文章的總義和介紹文章的主題,之后的一至兩句則是用來表達考生的個人意見(論點),最后一句通常用來帶領進入主體部分。文章好的開頭會引人如勝,激發閱卷老師的閱讀興趣。一般說來,這一段落不宜太長,要寫得簡明扼要,主要可以采用以下三種方法:
1.引用法。文章開頭引用名人名言、諺語或有代表性的看法見解來引出文章要展開討論的一種觀點,并明確自己的立場。 [Sample]On Making Friends As a proverb goes,a life without a friend is a life without the sun.It is true that everybody needs friends。so I find it quite necessary to make friends.
2.現象法。對于某種社會現象、傾向或社會問題進行剖析的文章通常在文章的開始首先引出這種現象或問題,然后進行評論并提出考生自己的觀點。 [Sample]On Children’s Education Chinese famlies are traditionally known for valuing the edu— cation of their children. M ost parents are trying to offer their children the best educatin,regarding it as their most important duty. It seems to me that there are three reasons for this,all of which are concerned with demands of modern life.. 3.對立法。文章開頭首先引出人們對要討論的問題的不同看法,然后提出考生自己的看法,或偏向的那個看法。此方法多用于有爭議性的主題。 }Sample{I Prefer to Live in a Big City Different people have different ideas about where to live. Some people like to live in big cities. Others prefer country life. I think both of the lives have their advantages and disadvanta— ges. If l am to make a choice,1 will not hesitate to choose the former.
(二)主體(body) 主體部分段首通常有一個主題句(topic sentence),用來表示該段的中心思想。下面是幾個常用主題句句型:
1.It is be— lieved that⋯ has the following advantages.
2. ⋯ is important in several ways.
3. I side with this view for two reasons.
4. ⋯ benefits us in many ways.接下來的文章應包含二到三個要點,用以支持主題句。考生可以通過例證、引證、對比、因果論證及反證等方法逐步論述各個要點。閱卷老師在看文章時也許會通過某些關鍵性的“標簽”來判定你的文章是否結構嚴謹,條理清晰,因此要在每一個要點前加入表示順序的詞匯,如:to begin with,first and fore— most;then,furthermore,besides;finally,last but not least. 1 Sample l The Importance of Extensive Reading⋯ ⋯ Extensive reading benefits us in many ways. Firs of all,by reading extens ely。we can broaden our knowledge. For in— stance,newspapers and magazines can keep us informed of cur— rent events.So it is easy for us to know what is going on in the world today.Secondly,extensive reading helps us improve our reading comprehension effectively.The more we read,the better we understand and the faster our reading speed will be.W hat is more,extensive reading is the best way to enlarge our vocabula— ry.Due to frequent contact with unfamiliar words, we find it easy to guess the meaning of them even without referring to the dictionary.W e can often find context clues for new words.
(三)結尾(conclusion) 結尾部分的開始通常會用一個特別結論句式,如:in gener— al,to sum up,to conclude,all in all等等。在200詞的文章中,這一部分不宜篇幅過長,最好用一兩句話來總結全文,使其前后呼應。除非只是一個次要觀點,否則不要在這段內提出任何新見解,但如果題目要求的話,考生也可以在結論上提出相應的建議、推薦、介紹和解決方法。四、檢查一篇成功的作文少不了反復推敲、一再修改。然而,由于考試時間和條件等諸多因素的限制,考生要警惕檢查作文時的三大“通病”,即,數字數、孤芳自賞、和做結構與內容上大的修改。必須明確,考試作文的潤色和修改只需要達到以下幾個目的:拼寫正確;用詞準確,尤其是名詞、動詞、形容詞、冠詞和介詞;語法正確,特別是人稱、時態、和單復數的三“一致”;正確使用過度性詞匯,從而使句子之間以及段落之間都具有邏輯性和條理性。在應試準備中,策略固然重要,還需要扎實的語言基礎和寫作的專門知識。提醒廣大考生,在平時的學習中還應多讀、多練、多總結,這樣才有利于寫作水平的日益提高。
本文標題:英語專業四級考試中作文測試的應對措施 - 專四作文_英語專四作文模板(一)介紹(introduction) 介紹部分是一篇文章的“地圖”,用來提綱挈領。其中第一句的作用是用來說明整段文章的總義和介紹文章的主題,之后的一至兩句則是用來表達考生的個人意見(論點),最后一句通常用來帶領進入主體部分。文章好的開頭會引人如勝,激發閱卷老師的閱讀興趣。一般說來,這一段落不宜太長,要寫得簡明扼要,主要可以采用以下三種方法:
1.引用法。文章開頭引用名人名言、諺語或有代表性的看法見解來引出文章要展開討論的一種觀點,并明確自己的立場。 [Sample]On Making Friends As a proverb goes,a life without a friend is a life without the sun.It is true that everybody needs friends。so I find it quite necessary to make friends.
2.現象法。對于某種社會現象、傾向或社會問題進行剖析的文章通常在文章的開始首先引出這種現象或問題,然后進行評論并提出考生自己的觀點。 [Sample]On Children’s Education Chinese famlies are traditionally known for valuing the edu— cation of their children. M ost parents are trying to offer their children the best educatin,regarding it as their most important duty. It seems to me that there are three reasons for this,all of which are concerned with demands of modern life.. 3.對立法。文章開頭首先引出人們對要討論的問題的不同看法,然后提出考生自己的看法,或偏向的那個看法。此方法多用于有爭議性的主題。 }Sample{I Prefer to Live in a Big City Different people have different ideas about where to live. Some people like to live in big cities. Others prefer country life. I think both of the lives have their advantages and disadvanta— ges. If l am to make a choice,1 will not hesitate to choose the former.
(二)主體(body) 主體部分段首通常有一個主題句(topic sentence),用來表示該段的中心思想。下面是幾個常用主題句句型:
1.It is be— lieved that⋯ has the following advantages.
2. ⋯ is important in several ways.
3. I side with this view for two reasons.
4. ⋯ benefits us in many ways.接下來的文章應包含二到三個要點,用以支持主題句。考生可以通過例證、引證、對比、因果論證及反證等方法逐步論述各個要點。閱卷老師在看文章時也許會通過某些關鍵性的“標簽”來判定你的文章是否結構嚴謹,條理清晰,因此要在每一個要點前加入表示順序的詞匯,如:to begin with,first and fore— most;then,furthermore,besides;finally,last but not least. 1 Sample l The Importance of Extensive Reading⋯ ⋯ Extensive reading benefits us in many ways. Firs of all,by reading extens ely。we can broaden our knowledge. For in— stance,newspapers and magazines can keep us informed of cur— rent events.So it is easy for us to know what is going on in the world today.Secondly,extensive reading helps us improve our reading comprehension effectively.The more we read,the better we understand and the faster our reading speed will be.W hat is more,extensive reading is the best way to enlarge our vocabula— ry.Due to frequent contact with unfamiliar words, we find it easy to guess the meaning of them even without referring to the dictionary.W e can often find context clues for new words.
(三)結尾(conclusion) 結尾部分的開始通常會用一個特別結論句式,如:in gener— al,to sum up,to conclude,all in all等等。在200詞的文章中,這一部分不宜篇幅過長,最好用一兩句話來總結全文,使其前后呼應。除非只是一個次要觀點,否則不要在這段內提出任何新見解,但如果題目要求的話,考生也可以在結論上提出相應的建議、推薦、介紹和解決方法。四、檢查一篇成功的作文少不了反復推敲、一再修改。然而,由于考試時間和條件等諸多因素的限制,考生要警惕檢查作文時的三大“通病”,即,數字數、孤芳自賞、和做結構與內容上大的修改。必須明確,考試作文的潤色和修改只需要達到以下幾個目的:拼寫正確;用詞準確,尤其是名詞、動詞、形容詞、冠詞和介詞;語法正確,特別是人稱、時態、和單復數的三“一致”;正確使用過度性詞匯,從而使句子之間以及段落之間都具有邏輯性和條理性。在應試準備中,策略固然重要,還需要扎實的語言基礎和寫作的專門知識。提醒廣大考生,在平時的學習中還應多讀、多練、多總結,這樣才有利于寫作水平的日益提高。
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上一篇:如何給閱卷老師留下美好的第一印象 下一篇:09專四考前臨陣磨槍寫作范文