Whether you were the shy one at high school or the most popular person on campus, startinguniversity is a clean slate for everyone.
It's the best time to develop your skills with different people, such as teachers, classmates, androommates. Your social skills and relationships with people in college will have an influencelong after you graduate.
Here are some tips on developing your people skills at college.
Put yourself out there and meet new people
You're very likely to make some lifelong friendships at college. But before you get there youhave to start by making acquaintances.
Upperclassmen and the college itself will organize events to introduce you and your peers toeach other and the new college environment. For the sake of improving your social skills earlyon, attend every single one.
Join clubs that fit your interests. You can meet many people there and it's a safe bet that youwill have something in common.
Being active on social networks, such as Renren and micro blogs, is also a good way to meetpeople, especially if you're not so good at face-to-face conversation.
Always open yourself to conversation
Your chances of making new friends depends on your ability to get a friendly vibe across.
Simple gestures, such as moving your things from a chair when someone is looking for a placein the canteen, can make you seem more open to conversation. You can also take out yourearphones when someone asks to share a table with you in the common room while you'restudying.
Try to get along with roommates
Getting along with roommates is a challenge you'd be wise to overcome. You live together, soyou will often spend time together without even trying to. It's important to make sure thatdorm life doesn't make you unhappy.
You should be cautious about confronting your roommates over any problems, especially if youhave only just met. Remember, be polite but firm.
The key is to set expectations and clear boundaries from the beginning. Let your roommatesknow your life habits, but also observe and respect theirs. Sleeping times and studyingschedules, visiting friends and cleaning duties are just some of the topics you should discuss.
Avoid drama and gossip
As you already know from high school, your social life will be much more pleasant if you avoidcausing and getting caught up in drama, no matter whether in class, dorm, or elsewhere.
When it comes to gossip, learn to keep your mouth shut and you'll avoid trouble. This isespecially important if you live in a dorm, where staying away from someone you've offended isdifficult.
Romance, or not?
Romantic relationships are usually inevitable in college life. Maybe you've just come through abreakup because you and your boyfriend/girlfriend have gone to different cities. Or maybe youare single and you now think you have the freedom to fall in love with whomever you please.
It's possible that you will find the love of your life in college, but take it slow, and don't getattached to a significant other as soon as you get to college. He or she will become your crutchand you will lose out on meeting other people and potential friends.