corruption fight in financial sector
Xiang Junbo, chairman of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission, being under investigation indicates that China is strengthening corruption fight in the financial sector.
?中國政府網近日公布了李克強總理在國務院第五次廉政(clean governance)工作會議上的講話全文(full text)。李克強指出,將進一步加強國資國企和金融監管(further strengthen the supervision of State assets, State-owned enterprises and financial sector),必須采取有力措施(powerful measures),防范金融領域腐敗風險(curb risks of corruption in the financial sector)。講話還強調,對個別監管人員和公司高管(business executives)監守自盜、與金融大鱷(financial crocodiles)內外勾結等非法行為,必須依法嚴厲懲處(be strictly punished according to the law)。
?李克強總理有關金融反腐(crackdown on corruption in the financial sector)的表態尤為引人關注。就在講話全文公布的當天(on the same day that the speech was released),金融反腐打出重拳,中央紀委宣布,保監會主席項俊波涉嫌嚴重違紀,正接受組織審查(be investigated for suspected serious Party discipline violations)。項俊波是我國設立"一行三會"以來,首個接受審查的正職主席,其被查說明反腐行動已在金融領域深入展開(the anti-corruption work is being deepened in the financial sector)。
?金融反腐對建設廉潔高效的金融管理體系(build a clean and efficient financial management system)、有效維護金融秩序、確保財政安全(efficiently maintain financial order and guarantee financial security)十分重要。金融領域的反腐工作已成為目前反腐運動(anti-corruption campaign)的熱點之一。
八項規定 eight-point austerity rules
非法利益 illegal profit
挪用公款 embezzle public money
徇私枉法 bend the law for personal gain
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