Should all school teachers be required to attend courses every 5 years to update their knowledge? 所有中小學教師都應該被要求每無年進修學習一次,是否認同? (2010年2月21日)
解析:school n中小學
1. 對于學校的利好:學校支持老師進修學習可以使教育者更加精通專業知識,因此,可以培養更多優秀的教師,為學校的發展注入新鮮活力, 可以想象,優秀教師的更加可以提高教學質量和學校的美譽度,所以,對于學校的發展是有積極的影響。
2. 對于老師的利好:很多從業者,每五年會產生一種職業的倦怠,老師也是如此,當教育者感到教學任務已經沒有挑戰性,自己在專業上也沒有成長的空間的時候,很多人對于工作的熱情和熱愛會極大地降低。相反,如果學校可以給老師們創造新的提升職業技能的機會,會保持教育者們持久的熱情,因此,教育者對所服務的企業有更多的忠誠度和歸宿感。
3. 對于學生的利好:這個做法對學生也有利好的,當老師們進修回來可以更加生動地幽默地傳播知識的時候,老師們的教學會更多地贏得學生們的尊敬和喜愛,學生們學習熱情會被極大點燃,學生們的學習動力會被極大地激發。
1. In this age of knowledge explosion, many employees usually feel weak in keeping the of pace career development. 在這個知識爆炸的時代,很多職員感到他們很難跟上事業發展的步伐。
2. It is wise to require every school educator to update knowledge 要求中小學教育者充電學習是明智的選擇。
解析:update one’s knowledge v更新知識(充電學習)
拓展:acquire new knowledge v 學習新知識
3. Updating knowledge is a fundamental requirement for a highly qualified teacher .更新知識是對于一個高度合格的教育者的最基本的要求.
4. Students are more likely to enjoy their study if their teachers can disseminate knowledge more vividly and humorously 如果老師們可以更加生動地幽默地傳播知識,學生們就會更加享受學習。
拓展:disseminate knowledge = pass on knowledge = convey knowledge v傳播知識
解析:dis(分開)+ semin(種子)+ ate(動詞詞尾)= disseminate v 傳播
5. Learners, in most cases, will respect and admire a teacher who is knowledgeable enough to answer the questions they raise. 學生們,多數情況下會尊敬和喜歡一個可以解答他們的疑問的博學的老師。
解析:students = learners n學習者
6. It is commendable for school educators to receive better professional training at least every five years. 中小學教育者至少每五年接受一次職業教育培訓的做法是值得贊美的。
解析:commendable adj 值得贊美的
7. further educational training can make an instructor rediscover the beauty of the teaching career. 進修學習可以使得一個教育者重新發現教學的美麗。
8. Otherwise,the sense of burnout will gradually grow on them 否則的話,他們會漸漸產生一種職業的倦怠。
解析:grow on v 加深對于…… 的影響
解析:sense of burnout n倦怠感
9. Therefore,those who receive on-the-job training will become more faithful to the organizations they serve because they can feel the sense of belonging and being valued. 接受在職培訓老師們對于所他們服務的企業會更加忠誠,因為他們可以感受到一種歸屬感,一種被重視的感覺。
解析: on-the-job training n 在職培訓
10. When teachers excel in their specialized knowledge, not only does them become more popular among students, but also it may inspire their creativity and passion in teaching.當老師們精通專業知識的時候,他們不僅僅可以受到學生的歡迎,更加可以鼓勵他們的創造力和工作熱情。
解析:excel in professional knowledge v 精通專業知識
11. If teachers’ motivation can be highly stimulated, their dedication to teaching career and spirit of self-improvement will inject new life into the further prosperity of relevant schools. 當老師們教學熱情被極大地激發的時候,他們的敬業態度和自我提高的精神會給相關學校的發展注入新鮮的活力。
拓展:inject new life into = inject fresh vitality into v 為……注入新鮮活力
12. Elementary knowledge are so simple that school teachers needn’t to take trouble to update their knowledge. 基礎知識都是很簡單的,因此中小學的教育者沒有必要專門更新知識。
13. Still, on-job training scheme will impose much pressure upon a school economically. 另外,在職培訓的計劃會給一個學校增加巨大的經濟壓力。
解析:impose much pressure upon a …… economically v 為……增加經濟壓力
14. All school educators should be required to attend relevant training courses to maintain competitive every five years. 所有的教育者應該被要求每五年參加相關的培訓以保持競爭力。
15. …… can enhance the reputation of a school = …… can make a school enjoy tremendous popularity …… 可以提高一個學校的美譽度。
解析:enjoy tremendous popularity v 享有盛譽
拓展:tremendous = great adj 極大的