principles for living we could all do without
作者:英國《金融時報》專欄作家 露西?凱拉韋
雷蒙德?戴利奧(ray dalio)易上當受騙、麻木不仁、情商為零、過分簡單化、驚人的自命不凡、古怪、且錯得離譜。
harsh words, but i know the founder of one the world's most successful hedge funds will welcome them. the bridgewater chief has just made a list of his top 300 rules for life and number 31 is to write down the weaknesses of others. number 11 is never to say anything about a person you would not say to them directly, while number 22 is to “get over” fretting about whether comments are positive or negative. all that matters in dalioland is whether they are accurate or inaccurate.<
these rules are contained in the most curious management document i have ever come across. simply entitled “principles”, it is being handed out to staff at bridgewater to help them be as successful as their boss. it is also being passed gleefully from pillar to post on the internet.<
but this is no mere staff manual. in it, mr dalio spends the first three chapters expounding on his general philosophy of life, which he says is a bit like skiing. so long as you do what the instructor tells you, all will go well. there is no ego in the exercise, he assures us: “with increased usage [the principles] will evolve from ‘ray's principles' to ‘our principles' and ray will fade out of the picture.”<
but for the time being ray is rather firmly in the picture, writing a work that in its ambition reminds me of aristotle's nicomachean ethics. both writers are pretty confident and both believe in principles that are not a priori, but discovered by doing. the main difference is that the greek philosopher had less of an appetite for words such as “leverage” and “drilldown” than the modern hedge fund chief. and he avoided bogus equations such as<
但眼下,雷蒙德的個人色彩還相當濃厚。作品中的雄心讓我想起了亞里士多德(aristotle)的《尼各馬可倫理學》(nicomachean ethics)。兩位作者都相當自信,都相信并非由推理得出、而是通過實踐發現的準則。二人的主要區別在于,那位希臘哲學家沒有當代這位對沖基金經理那么喜歡“杠桿”或“鉆取”等詞。他也沒有用一些偽等式,例如:痛苦+深思=進步。
pain + reflection = progress.<
mr dalio's philosophy turns out to be a fanatical, fundamentalist version of the american dream. “people get what they deserve in life,” he states – a comforting view when you have made a fortune of about $4bn. he also thinks that “how much money people have earned is a rough measure of how much they gave society what it wanted” – again, a reassuring thought for ray, though if i were a teacher i might not agree.<