Controlling Your Emotions
Most people act first and think about the consequesnces later. Self-discipline will reverse that process. You will learn to think before you act.
學習這種程序的主要方法,就是控制你的情緒。我們再 來回顧一下14種主要的情緒:
The primary means to this ecd is your control of your emotions. For review, the fourteen major emotions are repeated below.
Positive Emotions 消極情緒
Negative Emotions
1.愛 Love
2.性 Sex
3.希望 Hope
4.信心 Faith
5.熱忱 Enthusiasm
6.忠誠 Loyalty
7.欲望 Desire
1.恐懼 Fear
2.嫉妒 Jealousy
3.仇恨 Hatred
4.報復 Revenge
5.貪婪 Greed
6.憤怒 Anger
7.迷信 Superstition
所有這些情緒都是一種心理狀態,所以也是你能掌控的 對象。你可以想像如果不能控制那些消極情緒,會造成多么 大的危險。同樣的,如果你不能有意識地控制那些積極情緒 的話,它們也會造成破壞性的結果。
All these emotions are states of mind and are thus subject to your control. YOu can see right away how dangerous the negative emotions can be if they are not mastered. The positive emotions can also be destructive if you do not organize and release them with conscious control.
隱藏在這些情緒里的,是具有爆炸威力的力量。如果你 能適當地控制這股力量,它就可能使你獲得成就;但如果你任 由它自行奔放,它就可能把你扔到失敗的深淵之中,使你頭破 血流。
Inherent in these emotions is explosive power. If you regulate that power properly, it can lift you to the heights of achievement. But if you let it run wild, it can dash you to pieces on the rocks of failure.
從前面幾章中,你已學到明確的目標加上有推動力的動 機,是所有成就的起始點。這股動機必須非常強烈,促使你所 有的思想和努力,都以達成明確目標為依歸……但是你的推 動力——你的情緒——也必須由你的判斷力來控制,以期你 的熱忱和欲望不致脫離你的智慧范圍成為脫韁野馬。換句話 說,你必須約束你自己,以使得你的推動力永遠受到控制,而 且會被導引到正確的管道中。
You learned in earlier chapters that a definite major purpose, activated by a driving motive, is the starting point of all worhwhile achievement. This motive must be so strong that it will subordinate all your thoughts and efforts to the attainment of your definite purpose. But your drive--your emotions--must also be subject to your own good judgment so that your enthusiasm and desire will not run over your wisdom. In other words, you must discipline yourself so that your drive is always under control and directed in the proper channels.
自律要求以你的理性來平衡你的情緒,也就是說在你做 決定之前,你應學習兼顧你的感情和理性。有的時候應該排 除所有情緒,而只接受理性的一面;而有時候你必須接受較多的情緒面,并用理性來做一些修飾——符合中庸之道是非常 重要的。
Self-discipline calls for balancing your emotions with your reasoning. This means you must learn to consult both your fellings and your reason before you reach any decision. Sometimes you will need to set aside your emotions and fllow the dictates of reason alone. Other times you will decide in favor of your emotions, modified by your reson. A happpy medium is imporant.
例如那些正在熱戀中的人,他們都愿意為所愛的人做任 何事,此時他們很容易受到對方的擺布,熱戀中的人很難成就 什么事情,因為他們根本沒有為自己定下什么目標。
Consider, for example, those people who are so in love that they will do anything for their beloveds. Thery are putty in the hands of other. They rarely amount to anything because they have no purposes of their own in life.
你也許會懷疑,熱戀時期的危險是否意味著,若能用理性嚴格控制自己的生活,并且在做任何決定時排除一切情緒因 素,是比較安全而且聰明的方法,答案當然是否定的。
You might wonder if this danger means that it would be sager and wiser to control your life strictly on the basis of reason and leave emotion out of every decisison. The answer is and emphatic no.
別忘了你的情緒會給你帶來推動力,而這股動力,就是使 你將決定轉變成具體行動的力量。如果你毀掉了希望和信心,那還有什么值得愛的呢?如果你扼殺了熱忱、執著和欲望而僅存在理性時,那理性還會帶來什么好處呢?雖然僅存的理性還具備導引方向的功能,但是還有什么好讓它導引的呢?
Don't forget, your emotions provide your driving power, the activating force which enables you to put your decisions into action. If you destroyed hope and faith, what would there be to live for? If you killed enthusiasm, loyalty, and desire but still retained reason, what good would reason be? It would still be there to provide direction, but what would it dirct?