應用文 (Practical Writing)寫作
1. 書信英文書信的種類,大致分為社交信(Social Letters),家信(Family Letters),及商業信(Business Letters)三種。
(1) 信頭(Heading):信頭,即信端,是指寫信人的地址和寫信日期。信頭寫在信箋的右上角,一般可以從信紙中間或稍右的地方寫起,先寫寄信人地址,后寫日期。英文地址的寫法也與中文習慣不同。中文地址的書寫次序是國→省→市→街→門牌號碼,而英文的寫法則恰恰相反。比較:
中國 福建省廈門市,361021
P.O. Box 606
Jimei University
Xiamen, 361021
Fujian Province
P.R. China
20 May 2003 (英式寫法)
May 20, 2003, 或May 20th, 2003 (美式寫法)
(2) 信內地址 (Inside Address)
Personnel Director(用職務)
Boots the Chemist Ltd.
16-18 Pulton Road
Office of Admissions(用機構)
Fordham University
Rose Hill Campus
Bronx, New York 10486
(3) 稱呼(Salutation)
① 一般性的稱呼有:
Dear Mr. … ,(用于男士)
Dear Mrs. … ,(用于已婚婦女)
Dear Ms. … ,(用于女士,已婚未婚均可,尤用于對婚姻狀況不確定者)
Dear Miss … ,(用于未婚女士)
“Dear”之后接收信人的姓氏,如“Dear Mr. Smith,”
注意:不寫成:“Dear Mr. John,”
亦不寫成:“Dear Mr. John Smith,”
習慣用法是:“Dear John,”或“Dear Mr. Smith,”
② 較正式、尊重的稱呼也可采用頭銜或職務,如“Dear Prof. Smith,”“Dear Dr. Smith,”等。
③ 在收信人為不知名者的公務信函中,稱呼可用:
Dear Sirs,(當收信對方為單位/公司,而非某人時)
Dear Sir,(當收信對方為不認識的男士時)
Dear Sir/Madam,(當收信對方為性別不明的陌生人時)
④ 稱呼偶爾也用“Messrs.”,表示收信人為兩位或多位男士(如 Messrs. J. Smith & R. White), 但在更常的情況下表示收信對方是以人名命名的公司。
⑤ 收信人為熟友,可直稱其名,如:“Dear Mary,”,“ My dear John,”……等。
(4) 信的正文(Body of Letter)
在開場白中,應該直截了當的陳述寫信的目的:是致謝?道歉?祝福?咨詢?建議?批評?請求?……。這與中文書信的習慣不同。在中文信中,我們常用諸如“你好!”,“近況如何?”等客套話開頭。在寫英文信時,應避免受此影響。切記不要把最重要、最醒目的第一句或第一段浪費在諸如“How do you do?”,“How are you?”等無關緊要的詞句上。
信的主體部分可根據需要,分段敘述。表達應做到準確、簡要、得體。準確指的是內容(包括數字、人名等細節)準確無誤;簡要首先應避免使用老式八股套話(諸如“I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter.”等);得體指的是表達符合英文習慣,措詞與語氣適合通信雙方的親疏關系。如公文信函做到語氣禮貌但不謙卑,直接但不粗魯,簡潔但不唐突。
(5) 結束敬語(Complimentary Close)
① Yours faithfully,(英式用法)
Faithfully yours,Truly yours,(美式用法)
(用于收信人為陌生人的正式公務信,對應于稱呼用“Dear Sirs”,“Dear Sir”,“Dear Sir or Madam”,的正式信函。)
② Yours sincerely,(英式用法)
Sincerely yours,(美式用法)
(用于稱呼為“Dear + 姓氏”的正式或非正式書信。)
應該避免使用諸如“We remain yours faithfully”,“Respectfully yours”,等老式結束敬語。
(6) 簽署(Signature)
Yours faithfully, Yours faithfully,
____________ 或 __________________
Leslie Archer (Ms.) Wang Wei
(Sales Manager) (Managing Director)
代表某人簽名應該在自己的簽署下行寫下所代表的人名,之前加“pp.”(即拉丁語per pro的縮略形式,表示“for and on behalf of”),如:
Yours faithfully,
Sophie Lee
pp. Bob Taylor
(The Managing Director)
(7) 附件(Enclosure)
Encl: Doctor’s Certificate
Encls(或Enclosures):4 Invoices
(8) 再啟(Postscript)
(9) 信封寫法(Superscription)
收信人姓名、地址一般從信封中央或偏右一點寫起。姓名獨占一行。收信人姓名前一般要冠以頭銜或學位。如果收信人沒有頭銜或學位,通常在姓名前寫上Mr., Mrs.或Miss等以表示對收信人的尊敬和禮貌。地址的排列次序、寫法應與信內收信人地址完全一致,也要從小到大寫。如果是寄往國外的信需要在寄信人地址下面和收信人地址下面加上所在國名和寄往國名即可。
① 并列式
Huang Rong
123 Zhongshan Rd
Siming District, Xiamen
Fujian China 361001
Ms. Helen Smith
Rm. 1023 Blue Mansion
Broadway, CS 20852
② 斜列式
Liu Yan
English Dept.
Jimei Uni.
Xiamen, Fujian
China 361021
Ms. Helen Smith
Rm. 1023 Blue Mansion
Broadway, CS 20852
(or P.S.)(或附言)
(10) 范文評析
① 商業信件 (Business Letter)
Sample 1
Yan An
P.O. Box 678
Beijing University
Beijing China 100082
May 11th, 2003-07-23
Sales Dept.
P&G Ltd.
876 Hood Ave.
N.J. 98761
Dear Ms. Smith,
Your newest product, the electronic ballast, seems quite promising. We are sure that it would be widely accepted here at Beijing.
If you have interest in this market, we will be very pleased to be the selling agent. Would you please reply and make an appointment? We would be grateful if you provide the opportunity of discussing this.
Yours sincerely,
Lewis Carden
Sample 2
Can An
P.O. Box 678
Beijing University
Beijing China 100082
18th April, 2000
Sales Dept.
P&G Ltd.
231 Hood Ave.
N.J. 98761
Dear Mr. Cuba:
The ordered goods (subject: order No. NC001 of Jan. 19th) arrived on Feb. 12th in good condition.
But we regret to inform you that they should have reached us by the end of last month. Owing to this delay, we suffered a considerable loss of business.
An explanation of this delay will be appreciated, and we would like you to confirm the delivery date for future orders.
Yours sincerely,
Lewis Carden
② 私人信件 (Private Letter)
Sample 1
Mailbox 3-21
Beijing University
Beijing, China
10 June, 2003
176 River Road
New York,
Dear Miss Windy,
Your letter of June, 2 reached me this morning as a pleasant surprise, I had been missing you at the time, my dear teacher. Glad to know that you are planning to come to China for a private visit in your holiday. I eagerly look forward to seeing you as soon as possible.
I have been in Beijing for about 2 years. Since I came to China. Before I began my study in Beijing University, I had to finish a remedial Chinese Class in a middle school. Now I’m studying in Beijing University, this term, I take four courses: Chinese selections, Chinese history, Logic and International laws. They are all interesting and beneficial.
All present, I’m living with a Chinese girl of my age, who is majoring in English, We get along well with each other, and help each other. She helps me with my Chinese and tells me something about Chinese customs and habits. In return, I have offered to improve her English.
During my holidays, I have visited every corner of Beijing. Beijing is an ancient and world-famous cultural city. Especially, the Great Wall is a wonder not only in China but also in the world. It looks like a great dragon lying in the north of China, now I have really known why the Chinese people call themselves the dragon’s off springs.
It is my wish that I will serve as your guide when you come here on a tour in the coming holiday.
Love to your family.
Yours gratefully
Sample 2
20 Brown Street
London. N.E. 16
Great Britain
Feb. 5, 2003
Dear Miss Helen
I got your letter of January 20 this morning. I was very glad because I had been missing you all the time, dear teacher. Pleased to know that you are coming to London for a private visit this summer I eagerly look forward to seeing you as soon as possible.
This term I take five courses: Chinese, English, mathematics, physics and history. They are all very interesting and have benefited me greatly. I like them very much. I will study harder to make greater progress.
Last three Sundays I went to see some interesting parts of this ancient and world-famous cultural city. It is my wish that I will serve as your guide when you come here on a tour in the coming summer vacation.
Are you still teaching the graduate class now? What English textbook are you using this year? I will never forget your English classes, which were so lively interesting, and helped me immensely.
Love to your family
Yours gratefully
③ 其它信件 (Other Letters)
A. 推薦信 (Letter of Recommendation)
Sample 1
P.O. Box 3567
Nanjing University
P.R. China
30 August 2003
Professor Ellis Browning
Department of English Literature
University of Cambridge
Dear Prof. Browning,
I have the pleasure of introducing to you Ms Hong Feng, the bearer of this letter, who is a former student of mine in Nanjing University.
Ms Hong was a top student in our department, where she spent four years for her first degree in Modern English Language Studies, followed by three years of graduate study in the 20th Century English Novels. She has special in demonstration of her gift and creativity. She has now been accepted by Cambridge where she will spend 3 years working on her doctoral degree.
Ms Hong has always been a delight to teach. In addition to her academic talent, she is pleasant, amiable and understanding. I have no doubt that you will enjoy being her teacher as well as her friend.
I should be very much obliged if you can help her settle in and also give her necessary guidance in regard to her course work.
Yours sincerely,
Fan Wen
Sample 2
Xiaxin Foreign Trade Co. Ltd.
23 Nanhua Road, Xiamen
5 May 1998
To whom it may concern,
This is to introduce Mr. Chen Taiping, the bearer of this letter, who is the Marketing Manager of our Company.
Mr. Chen Taiping has been assigned to do a marking research around the Country. We should esteem it a great favour if you would afford him the necessary information.
Yours faithfully,
Li Ling
General Manager
B. 感謝信 (Letter of Expressing Gratitude)
June 12, 2003
Dear Dr. Smith,
I would like to thank you for allowing me to observe classes as a visiting scholar from China in your nice department with so many talented and productive professors. My one year stay in your country will come to an end, and I’m very happy to say that I’ve enjoyed my time here. I really like your department and your faculty and staff members who are so kind, helpful, and pleasant to get acquainted with, to learn from, and to cooperate with. Your university is an ideal one to visit, to learn from and to do research in.
During my one year stay here, I have studied several courses offered by your professors from whom I have learned a lot from their excellent class instruction. I feel I should say much more, but the language fails me at this point. Your department and your colleagues have given me a host of opportunities, so much pleasure, and good friends, and countless precious memories for which I am truly grateful.
Thank you a million times for the good that you and your friends have done for me. I will always remember you and your friendship. May health, happiness, and progress be yours.
Yours sincerely,
Wang Xin
C. 祝賀信 (Letter of Congratulation)
Xiamen Office
Address: Wenbin Villa, 68 Mid-Hubin Road, Xiamen
Tel: 9008000 Fax: 606494
6 December 1994
Lucas TAECO Aerospace (Xiamen) Co. Ltd.
20 Diliao Road, Gaoqi International Airport
Xiamen, 3610006
Dear Sirs,
Please accept our most sincere congratulations on the new joint venture you have recently established in Xiamen.
The British Lucas Aerospace corporation is a well-known international enterprise with an excellent reputation worldwide. We believe that the establishment of the Xiamen Lucas, following Lucas-Sydney and Lucas-Singapore, will inevitably make a tremendous contribution to the development of the aviation industry in Xiamen. May we have friendly cooperation in the future!
Wishing you continuous success with the joint venture!
Yours sincerely,
Lin Chun
D. 邀請信 (Letter of Invitation)
19th Oct., 1999
Dear Susan,
I hope that you and your husband haven’t any plan for the weekend on Oct. 28th, as we would like you to spend it with us at our home in the countryside.
I am sure your husband can find some real fish here in the river, for it’s the best season for fishing. So bring your fishing clothes. And also bring your golf club, as we can also play golf here for there is a world-class golf court near.
We hope that nothing will prevent you from coming, as we’re looking forward to your visit. Be sure to let us know what train you are to take so that we can meet you at the station.
Cordially yours,
Kitty White
E. 申請信 (Letter of Application)
Harbin Electric Motors Factory
412 Qianjin Road
Harbin, Heilongjiang
The People’s Republic of China
March 22, 1998
Mr. Herbert E. Beck, Jr.
General Manager
Standard Motors Corporation
4528 Southland Ave.
Chatanooga, Tennessee 47115
U. S. A.
Dear Mr. Beck,
The reputation and growth of Standard Motors Corporation ahs led me to write this letter. I’m interested in a management trainee position in your corporation.
Currently, I’m the assistant director of Harbin Electric Motors Factory in charge of testing and quality control. I have been granted a leave of one year to learn the advanced managerial skills and develop business contacts in the United States.
As a trainee, I do not require a salary, but would appreciate if your can provide me with a stipend enough to support myself during the year. The Chinese government will pay all my travel expenses.
In the past two years, I have read much about your corporation and its excellent management. To join you and work with you would be a great opportunity for me. Enclosed please find my resume and two letters of recommendation. If further information is needed, please let me know.
Thank you very much for your consideration.
Wu Shunxiang
(1) 請假條 (Asking for Sick Leave)
June 4, 2003
Dear Mr. Liu,
I am awfully sorry to tell you that I can’t come to attend your class in the coming days because of a bad cold. The doctor said I must keep the bed. It may be a few days before I am able to resume my studies.
I enclose doctor’s certificate and ask you for sick leave of three days.
As regards the lessons to be missed during my absence. I will do my best to make them up as soon as I get back from leave.
Yours respectfully
Li Ming
(2) 留言 (Leaving a Message)
Oct. 10, 2003
Dear Robert,
I came to your apartment at 10:30 this morning only to find that you were out. I intended to have a discussion with you about the timetable arrangement of your oral English classes. Would you please give me a phone call to my office when you come back? I’ll be waiting for your phone call from 3:30 to 4:30 in my office this afternoon. Sorry to disturb you. I am leaving this note with Jack and asking him to convey it to you.
Lin Xing
(3) 感謝條 (Note of Thanks)
Sept. 18
Dear Rong Rong,
Thank you very much for the admission card for the exhibition you sent me. I have really learnt a lot form it.
Yours ever,
Hong Hong
(4) 借條 (Note of Borrowing)
15 March
Dear Wang Hong,
I wonder if you can lend me your English dictionary because I’m translating an article and must consult it now and then. I would take it carefully, and see that no damage is done to it.
With many thanks form
Yours ever
Li Ming
(5) 請求(Note of Requiring)
10 June
The housing section,
A great gale raged last night, causing much damage to our classroom, quite a few windows were broken. What’s more, the blackboard needs repairing, several lights can’t work. All the inconvenient conditions affect our teaching and study.
Trusting to be favored with your prompt attention to this matter.
Yours sincerely
Li Ming
of Class 2 Grade 3
Sample 1
The University League Committee
All the League members of the university are requested to meet in the university Hall on Saturday, May, 3 at 2:00 p.m. to discuss about the commemorative activities of the May 4th Movement.
May 2, 2003
Sample 2
Next 4 days being the 90th anniversary of our university, there will be no school. All teacher, staff members and students are expected to take part in the celebrations to be held in our university. Class will be resumed as usual on 17 Sept.
The president’s office
Jimei University
Sept. 12, 2003
Sample 1
This Week’s Film
Name: Waterloo Bridge
Time: 7:00 p.m. Sunday, May 20
Place: The Auditorium
Fare: 5 yuan
Ticket Office: The auditorium
The Teachers’ Union
Monday May,14
Sample 2
English Speaking Contest
An annual English Speaking Contest will be held on Saturday next week under the auspices of the students’ Union of English Department. Each class should have a class wide contest within this week to select no more than 5 contestants to take part in the Department Contest. The first five winners will be given awards as an encouragement. Eight teachers have been invited to work as judges. All are welcome to be present at the contest.
The Students’ Union of
English Department
Sunday May, 20
(1) 寫摘要要注意以下幾個方面:
① 重點突出
摘要是原文主要觀點的提煉,因此,應該抓住下列幾個方面:文章主題句(thesis statement),段落主題句(topic sentence),重要人物,重要細節和結論等。
② 語言簡潔
③ 意義完整,表達清楚
一篇好的摘要,在思想表達、句子結構方面應該清楚嚴密。不能簡單地羅列文章的要點而應該在句與句之間加進連接詞語,如:although, while, in conclusion等等,使得摘要成為一個有機體。
④ 忠實原文,客觀再現
① 閱讀全文
② 概述重點
③ 整理修改
語句要通順,不要把介詞、冠詞省掉。句子要銜接,要注意過渡詞的運用。可以用阿拉伯數字來代替英語單詞,如用190來代替one hundred and ninety,但在句子開頭卻不行。
④ 對照原文
One of the major deterrents to women considering engineering as a career is the all-male image. This barrier is rapidly disappearing as the engineering image changes from that of a hard-hat roustabout at a construction site to that of a thoughtful, logical individual who is genuinely interested in solving the engineering and social problems that face us today. True, she may still show up at a construction site in her hard hat, but her time is more apt to be spent at a desk working on new solutions. A female engineer – unlikely ? Not quite.
Combine as key sentence (thesis).
Delete example.
Although women make up an unimpressive 1 percent of the engineering population, their ranks have been growing. The latest Society of women Engineers survey of schools accredited by the Engineering Council for Professional Development shows that female engineering enrollment increased from 1,035 during 1959-60 to 3,905 during the 1972-73 school year. This increase may not be as large as it appears on the surface. Only 128 schools replied to the 1959-60 survey. But with the advent of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and, more recently, the implementation of the federal affirmative action program, as well as an increased awareness on the part of the schools, 201 responded last year. However, since the number of female engineering students per school has increased, even as the number of males enrolled at these schools has decreased, there is little doubt that the percentage of women enrolled in engineering undergraduate programs is growing.
Include significant statistic.
Delete data of questionable accuracy.
Include significant finding.
Delete explanation repeating above finding.
What happens when the newly minted female engineer tries to enter the field? Initially, she is sought after by almost every employer in sight. Once she is on the job, however, things change. On the average, promotions do not come as rapidly for women as they do for men.
Include significant finding.
Discrimination can be a double-edged sword, however, for unlike her male counterpart, the female engineer is highly visible, and if she does an outstanding job, she may very well be rewarded faster than a man would be. If her performance is average or slightly below average, she may be judged
Delete author’s personal comment.
Include significant finding.
in terms of a number of myths. Perhaps chief among them is the notion that men (and women) don’t like to work for women. In my personal experience, I have found that people who enjoy their work get it done without any thought to whether their supervisor is a man or a woman.
Delete author’s personal comment.
Some echoes of other misconceptions about women are still heard among engineers, and undoubtedly contribute to the lag in promoting women to top management ranks. Examples of these myths are: (a) a company’s public image will suffer if a woman takes over a top management position, because men have traditionally been the corporate leader; (b) a woman won’t travel on sales trips, to plant inspections, to professional conferences ans so forth; (c) women don’t want to accept responsibility; (d) a woman’s family will always take precedence over her career. (Once must ask, why shouldn’t it take precedence over a man’s as well?)
Include factual interpretation and continuation of above finding.
Delete rhetorical question.
It has also been argued that promotion policies don’t favor women because companies prefer long tenure for those elevated to executive positions, and they believe that turnover rates are greater for women. But, not only do government figures show that professional women have working careers comparable in length to those of men, it is also clear that promotions generally accrue to men regardless of age and experience. Over 20 percent of all male engineers are in management, as opposed to an estimated 3 percent of female engineers.
Include continuation of finding.
Include significant finding.
Delete statistics of questionable accuracy.
The all-male image has deterred women from engineering careers. This image of a hard-hat worker is giving way to that of a thoughtful individual working on today’s engineering and social problems. Women comprise only 1 percent of the engineering populations, but their ranks are growing. Female engineering students have increased in number while males have decreased. The new female engineer easily finds work but is not rapidly promoted. Because of high visibility, she may be promoted faster than a man if her performance is outstanding. If performance is average or below, she may be judged in terms of several myths: that people don’t like to work for a woman; that a woman in top management harms a company’s public image; that a woman won’t ravel on business; that women won’t accept responsibility; that her family takes precedence over her career; and that turnover rates are higher for women. But careers of professional women are so long as those of men. Men usually receive the promotions, regardless of age of experience.
The all-male, hard-hat image, which has deterred women from engineering, is changing to that of a thoughtful individual working on today’s engineering and social problems. Although women comprise only 1 percent of engineers, their growing ranks are evidenced by an increase in female engineering students, contrasted with a decrease in male students. The graduating female easily finds work but no rapid promotion unless her performance is outstanding. An average or below- average performance many be judged in terms of several myths: that people dislike working for women; that a woman in top management harms a company’s image; that she won’t travel or accept responsibility; that her family takes precedence over her career; and that female turnover rates are higher. In fact, women’s professional careers are as long as men’s, but men usually receive the promotions.
The all-male image of engineering is changing, and although women comprise only 1 percent of engineers, their ranks are growing. Female students are increasing while male decrease. Although female graduates easily find work, only the outstanding are rapidly promoted, with average or lower performance often judged according to conventional myths about women in “male” professions.
The changing status of women in engineering is examined in terms of women’s population increase, job opportunities, and promotions.