English idioms with emotions
All these idioms mean that you are absolutely delighted!
over the moon: "He was over the moon when he heard the news."
thrilled to bits: "She was thrilled to bits with her new bicycle."
in seventh heaven: "They were in seventh heaven when they learned they'd won a cruise."
on cloud nine: "When I got the job, I was on cloud nine for several weeks."
jump for joy: "We jumped for joy when we got the mortgage."
These idioms mean you are feeling sad.
down in the dumps: "When she left him, he was down in the dumps for a couple of weeks."
feel blue: "She felt a little blue when she lost her job."
beside yourself (with grief, worry): "When her son went missing, she was beside herself with worry."
Annoyed because you have missed an opportunity
sick as a parrot: "He was as sick as a parrot when he realised he had thrown away his lottery ticket."
These idioms mean that you are very angry.
see red: "Don't talk to him about his boss – it just makes him see red!"
hopping mad: "She was hopping mad when she found out her daughter had disobeyed her."
in a black mood: "Be careful what you say – she's in a black mood today."
Less angry idioms.
cheesed off: "I was really cheesed off when I lost the competition."
to not be on speaking terms: "They're not on speaking terms at the moment after their row."
To be off someone's Christmas card list: "Oh dear. I think I'm off her Christmas card list after insulting her husband!"
have a downer on someone: "What's John done? You seem to have a real downer on him."
rub someone up the wrong way: "Those two are always arguing. They just seem to rub each other up the wrong way."
In desperation
These idioms mean you don't know what to do.
at the end of your tether: "I just can't cope. I'm at the end of my tether with all these bills and debts."
at your wits' end: "He's at his wits' end. He's tried everything to solve the problem, but nothing has worked."