榮譽 The meaning of honor
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the word honor is often associated with admirable career success, brilliant academic achievement, great social contribution and high position.when speaking of honor, one has images like yang li-wei, jackie chen or learned scholars like the honorable judges here. it is true that these people are worthy of admiration. but how about those who are around us, who contributes to the society in different ways, completing their everyday task with devotions but remain unknown? are they far from honor? should they only clap hands for the people on the stage? shouldn’t they also deserve respect from us? i don’t think so.honor wears different coats to different eyes. i would like to take miss zhang, a primary school teacher, for example. she has been teaching english for more than 30 years. countless students have learnt the first english letter from her and become interested in this language because of her enlightenment. so many years have passed and miss zhang is still an ordinary primary school teacher without any prize, flowers or honorable titles but in my eyes she is the very person who deserve honor and respect. every time i stand on the winner’s box, i couldn’t help thinking of miss zhang. i owe my success in english and my gratitude to her.just as alexander pope said: act well your part, there all honor lies. honor can be found in our every day life and belongs to you, to me and to every ordinary person. 榮譽,是一個神圣的字眼,是令人羨慕的光環,是光榮的標志。 人們一提起榮譽,首先會想到那些干出一番轟轟烈烈的事業,那些做出過巨大貢獻,或者是地位顯赫的人。例如楊利偉、成龍等,或者是在座的教授、評委們。是的,他們都享有盛譽,都應該受人尊重。但同時, 我也不會忘記在我們身邊還有許許多多默默耕耘、愛崗敬業、甘于奉獻,卻又默默無聞的人們。 難道他們就與榮譽無緣嗎?難道他們就只佩在臺下為領獎者鼓掌祝賀嗎?難道他們就不應該同樣受到社會的尊重嗎?不,我不這樣認為。 我想說說我的一位小學老師,她姓張。教我的時候,她已在講臺上站了30多年。年復一年,一批批學生從她那里受到英語啟蒙,我就是那時喜歡上英語的。而多年過去,張老師還是一位普通的小學英語老師,沒有大獎,沒有稱號,沒有鮮花。但在我眼中,她是最值得得到尊重,得到榮譽的人。我每次在英語比賽中取得成績,得到獎勵,就會想起張老師,就想向張老師道一聲謝謝,就想把榮譽歸于張老師。 由此,我認為,榮譽也應該是一個樸實的字眼,是一束在平凡中閃爍的光輝,她應該屬于每一個普普通通的人。
本文標題:榮譽 The meaning of honor - 初中英語作文_初中生英語作文_七年級英語作文本文地址:http://www.hengchuai.cn/writing/chuzhong/164.html