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Lose weight, eat less junk food -- they top many lists of New Year's resolutions. But sticking with those good intentions is just not easy.
The problem: "Most people have unrealistic expectations."
"They decide this is the year they're going to completely change everything about their diet," she tells WebMD. "That's just too hard to do."
Willpower isn't the issue, says Sass. "Willpower is about depriving yourself, and nobody gets excited about that. Besides, depriving yourself is depressing and leads to bingeing. Focus on the positives -- you feel better, have more energy, when you eat healthy." From Joozone.com.'
When making dietary changes, "start small," says Cynthia Sass, a nutritionist with the University of South Florida in Tampa and a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. "Set a few realistic goals. In the long run, you'll have better self-esteem and more self-confidence because you'll actually stick with them."