BEC寫作分為兩部分,第二部分為商業信函。商業函件業務簡稱商函業務,它區別于具有個人通信性質的信件,是為社會各類用戶提供迅速準確傳遞商用信息的業務。 商業函件是一種廣告媒體,利用郵局點多面廣的優勢,以郵寄的方式,將廣告客戶要求寄發廣告商品介紹、訂貨單、調查征函、通知單等投送到廣告客戶所希望的接收人手中。
商業書信必須寫得正確,因為它涉及到買賣雙方的權利,義務,厲害關系,是各種商業單據(如合同)的根據。 廣義的說,商業書信的正確性表現在: (一) 運用正確的語言水平 (二) 敘述得正確 (三) 數字要正確 (四) 正確理解和運用商業術語 (五) 合適的寫作技巧或方法,以及正確運用其他的六個"C"。
formal informal terminate domicile deem transpire conflagration edifice endeavor obtain;procure peruse remunerate utilize subsequent ascertain contingent upon anticipateinterrogate end home think(or: believe) happen fire building try get read or study pay use nextor following find out depending on expect ask
formal informal Will attain the age of 18 years. Will be 18 years old Render us more detail Wewill institute a mail search Send us more information We will ask the post office to send out atracer. We thank you in anticipation of this courtesy and assure you that it will be a pleasureto serve you in a similar manner We shall appreciate your helping us. Let us know when we canreturn the favor. Inform me of your intentions as to the liquidation of this balance Let me knowwhen you can settle this account. Give consideration to a plan. Consider a plan This plan willeffect a saving of $10,000. This plan will save $10,000. To effect certain modifications in aprocedure contingent upon the concurrence of management To make certain changes ifmanagement agrees. The conclusions ascertaind from a perusal of the pertinent data is that alucrative market exists for the product in this vicinity. The data studied show that the product isin good demand in this area.
ain't hadn't ought irregardless nohow in regard to can't hardly between you and I where atisn't, aren't shoudn't regardless anyway regarding can hardly between you and me where 下列是用一內容三種不同語言水平的比較參考: Formal: Although
Item 12 is enumerated in the report, the writer has ascertained that it is currently not in theorganization's inventory or in the writer's possession. Informal: Although Item 12 is listedin the report, it's not in our stock now and I don't have it either. Standard: Irregardless ofthe report that item ain't on our shelves now, and I haven't got it either.
二. 敘述得正確商業書信的內容要敘述得正確,既不要說得不夠(Understatement),更不要說得過頭(Overstatement)。
[例一] This stove is absolutely the best (or: the very best) on the market. (這種爐子是市場上絕對最好的爐子。)這句話是用來介紹商品的,但沒有具體介紹商品的性能,而是抽象地斷定這種爐子是"市場上最好的"。這樣介紹商品,不但不能達到推銷的目的,反而使人對寫信人有"賣狗皮膏藥"的感覺。
[改寫]Our model A195 is designed on modern lines and gives, without any increase in fuelconsumption, 25% more heat than the older models. So you will agree that it is theoutstanding stove for economy of fuel. (我們的A195型爐子是按近代樣式設計的,在不增加燃料消耗的情況下,比其他各種舊式爐子溫度高25%。所以,你會同意,這是優良的節約燃料的爐子。)
做對外貿易離不開數字。對商業書信中的數字的正確性要特別加以注意,有時"失之毫厘,差之千里"。甚至引起不同的理解。 (a)"以上","以下","以前","以后","從。。。到。。。"等的表達法 $2 or (and)above(over)二美元和二美元以上 60dozen or (and) up (upward, upwards)不少于50羅的定單 5% upto 10% inclusive