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BEC即劍橋商務英語證書考試,是劍橋大學考試委員會(UCLES)設立的。無論你學的專業是什么,都要在某個特定的商務環境中運用,BEC考查的正是這種普遍存在的商務環境中應具備的通識與能力。 Establishment of a New Firm - Bodies 1.It is our intention to confine ourselves to the wholesale business of silk goods. 2.The new firm will devote its attention principally to commission business, in which the shipping of cotton will form an important feature. 3. Any business which you may have in or near this city, whether of a professional nature or otherwise, and for the sake of which it may not be worth while to incur the expenses of a journey expressly, I shall be happy to transact as an agent. 4. I assure you that it shall be my endeavor to act with promptitude and efficiency, as well as with a due regard to economy, in all the matters entrusted to my care. 5. Feeling confident of my ability to conduct any transactions, and to execute any orders committed to my charge in a speedy, economical, and satisfactory manner, I solicit the favor of your commands. 6. The thorough knowledge and trade experience which I have gained in this branch of business during a twelve years' engagement as an employee and manager of prominent firms in this branch both at home and abroad, will enable me to cope with all reasonable requirements. 7. It will be my chief aim to gain the confidence of my business friends by conscientious fulfilment of my obligation and by careful attention to the orders of my friends 8. The business will be carried on from this day under the firm of W.& G. 9. In acquainting you with the establishment of our new firm of W. & Co., allow us to call your attention to the mode of business we have determined upon. 10. We offer your goodselves our services as general shipping agents for any shipments you may have via London. 11. We offer you our services for the clearance of the cargoes through customs and delivery. 12. On his suggestion, we take the liberty of offering you our services for any commission which you may wish to execute here. 13. The excellent reputation which your house enjoys here, renders me extremely desirous of entering, if possible, into business relations with you, and I therefore offer you my services for any purchases you may have to make in this place. 14. Having for many years been in almost daily intercourse with the principal manufacturers of our town, and being always well informed about the newest patterns, I flatter myself that you could put my services to profit. 15. Being an agent for various steamship companies, I am able to quote specially low rates for all classes of cargoes. 16. Having a large connection with both the steamship and railway companies, we can offer special facilities. 17. We have an extensive equipment and large stock, and we are able to render prompt and efficient services. 18. Our wide connection among those who do business on silk places us in the most favourable position for doing business on the best possible terms. 19. Under the circumstances, we can confidently assert that any business with which you may favour us will afford you the fullest satisfaction. 20. We hope that you can favour us with your shipments, which will at all times receive our best attention. 21. We shall be pleased to send our representatives at any time, should you desire us to submit quotation. 22. Should you at any time be able to use our medium, we shall be glad to hear from you. 23. We have the pleasure to enclose you our shipping lists for this month, and trust to receive your shipments, which will at all times be promptly attended to. 24. If you require rates for any other articles, please let us know and we shall quote our lowest freights. 25. We can assure you that any business which you may place with us shall receive our best and prompt attention. 26. We shall always endeavour to meet our customers' requirements in regard to delivery. 27. Any information that you may require, we shall be very pleased to forward to you. 28. We should be glad if you will have our name put upon your inquiry lists for the articles shown in the booklet. 29. We can promise you immediate attention to all orders no matter how small, and it is our firm intention to do our utmost to meet our clients' wishes with regard to delivery as on all other points. 30. we think our standing and experience justify the assertion that no house in the islands can execute your orders more to your satisfaction than ourselves. 1、本公司專門經營各種絲制的批發業務。 2、新公司將傾注全力經營批發業務,主要特色以出口棉花為主。 3、只要該項業務是在市內或市郊,不論是專業或其他性質的,在不支付旅費的情況下,本代理店均樂意效勞。 4、我保證,對所賦予的所有事項,將予以迅速、有效地完成,并盡量節省開支。 5、我確信能夠勝任任何交易、并能迅速、經濟和是您滿意地執行所接受的任何訂貨。謹此懇請惠予賜顧。 6、在本行業的國內外公司擔任雇員和經理的12年里,我獲取了透徹的知識和貿易經驗,因此,能滿足您一切合理的要求。 7、我的主要宗旨是,專心遵循義務,博取客戶信賴,關心客戶訂貨。 8、該項業務從即日起以W.G.公司名義繼續經營。 9、茲值W新公司開張之際,特請注意本公司所執行的營業方式。 10、凡貴公司經由倫敦的貨物,我們愿提供海運總代理服務。 11、我們向您提供報關和發貨服務。 12、由于他的提議,我們特此表示,凡在本地執行的任何業務,愿為您提供服務。 13、由于貴公司在本地的聲譽,我們極愿與您進行業務往來。凡貴公司在本地有何采購,敝公司均能為您代勞。 14、多年來幾乎每天都與本城主要廠家接觸,熟悉最新款式,因此我們自信我們的服務能為貴方創收利潤。 15、做為各船運公司的代理人,我們能提供各種貨物的最低運價。 16、敝公司與輪船公司和鐵路公司聯系廣泛,能為您提供特殊貨運送便利。 17、本公司設備廣泛庫存較多,因此能提供迅速有效的服務。 18、我公司與絲綢制品商交往廣泛,使我們處于有利地位,可按最佳條款成交。 19、基于上述情況,我們有信心地認為,如蒙惠顧我公司,必能使您十分滿意。 20、如蒙委托我們辦理海運,我公司將竭誠服務。 21、您何時需要報價,我即派員前往。 22、如蒙需要我方服務時,請即惠予示知為荷。 23、謹附上本月船期表,懇請惠顧。本公司將隨時為您服務。 24、如需其它貨物運價,請來函告知,當報最低費率不誤。 25、我公司保證以最佳最快服務完成您的業務。 26、我們將盡力滿足客戶的交貨期限要求。 27、您所需任何信息,我們都樂意隨時奉上。 28、請貴公司按小冊子中所列商品,將我公司名稱列入您的詢價客戶索引中則不勝榮幸。 29、訂貨數量無論大小。我們都將提供迅速服務。在交貨等方面也將盡量滿足客戶要求。 30、從我公司信譽和經驗的評論中可以證實,在本島沒有一家商號在執行您的訂貨時比我們公司更能使您滿意。 以上就是新東方在線BEC頻道為大家介紹的BEC開業通知,更多最新、最全的BEC備考資料和考試資訊,盡在新東方在線BEC頻道。
本文標題:商務公文之開業通知(1) - BEC寫作本文地址:http://www.hengchuai.cn/writing/englishtest/bec/29430.html
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