Recently, blind-date show has dominated over the TV screen. Young men and women at their marriageable age swarm into various blind-date shows and try to find an ideal partner.
There are probably three reasons to explain this fad. In the first place, it is not uncontroversial(改為controversial,雙重否定表肯定)that there are(刪除) indeed plenty of unmarried adult men and women teem with this globe. To find a perfect partner, each and every one of them takes pains to seek opportunities and occasions. Blind-date show, naturally, for unmarried people, becomes a popular and practical approach to meet their counterparts. In the second place, this fresh program brings about considerable economic benefit to both TV stations and sponsors. Last but not least, TV viewers’ enthusiasm kindles the prevalence of this sort of show. It is true that blind-date show will not be a hit if TV viewers dislike it.
As far as I am concerned, this program provides a platform for single people to locate their destiny, for economical(economical是節約的意思,改為economic)entities concerned(刪除) to earn money, for TV viewers to relax themselves. Therefore, frankly speaking, I am a protagonist of blind-date show.