CET6英語六級作文范文精講99篇,第073篇,是關于大眾傳媒的功能 的話題作文范文。供在準備英語六級的同學參考學習。
cet6六級級作文范文:the function of mass media大眾傳媒的功能
the function of mass media
mass media a re very impor tant tools of communication , through which information is passed to even the fa rthest end of the world . t hey enable us to communicate with each other by helping us to overcome the ba r rier s of time and space .
mass media function in va riou s ways . below a re listed the most commonly seen .
fir st , mass media keep us well informed of the happenings of the world which would otherwise remain unknown .
second , mas s media pe rsuade u s mostly through adver - tisements . as we can see, news papers , magazines and tv are filled with all kinds of colour ful , persuasive adver tisements which tempt us to buy their products .
third , mas s media give u s ent ert ainment . television and radio broadcasting provide us with a big variety of progr ammes every day . films , book s , magazines , etc . give u s daily amusement .
in a word , mas s media will be all the mor e impor tant in the future and their functions will enormously expand . limit -ed by space, only a few examples a re mentioned here .