泰山(Mount Tai)位于山東省中部。它是中國黃河流域古代文化的發祥地之一,被譽為“五岳”之首。因其山峰險峻,景色壯麗而聞名于世。中國歷代帝王都把泰山當做天的象征,紛紛到此封禪(offer sacrifices to)、祭告天地。歷史上的中國文化名人都曾登臨泰山,留下詩文、墨寶。泰山風景區內,現有古建筑群22處,古遺址97處,歷代石碑(stele)819塊,歷代刻石1800處,為研究中國古代歷史、書法等提供了重要而豐富的實物資料。泰山不只是一座風景山,更是一座文化山。
Mount Tai locates in the middle of Shandong Province.It is one of the birthplaces of the ancient culture along the Yellow River basin, and is regarded as the head of the Five Great Mountains. Mount Tai is celebrated for its precipitous peaks and magnificent sceneries.In Chinese history, emperors of all dynasties would take a journey to Mount Tai, which was considered as the symbol of heaven, to worship and offer sacrifices to the heaven and earth. The cultural celebrities in ancient China composed numerous pieces of poems and calligraphy works after they had toured Mount Tai.Currently, there are 22 ancient architecture complexes, 97 historic sites, 819 pieces of stele, 1,800 pieces of carved stones, which provide plenty of important material evidences to make researches on Chinese ancient history and calligraphy. Mount Tai is not only a mountain of scenery, but also a mountain of culture.
1.它是中國黃河流域古代文化的發祥地之一:其中“黃河流域”譯為the Yellow River basin;“發祥地”即“發源地”,譯為birthplace.
2.“五岳”之首:可譯為 the head of the Five Great Mountains.
3.因其山峰險峻,景色壯麗而聞名于世:其中“因…聞名于世”可譯為be famed for或用be celebrated for表達:“山峰險峻”即“險峻的山峰”,譯為 precipitous peaks;“景色壯麗”即“壯麗的景色”,譯為magnificent sceneries.
4.歷代帝王紛紛到此封禪、祭告天地:其中“歷代帝王”譯為emperors of all dynasties:“紛紛”即“多”,而前句中"emperors"用復數已表達出“多”的含義,故可省略翻譯:“封禪、祭告天地”可譯為worship and offer sacrifices to the heaven and earth.