Traffic accidents in city A
Traffic accidents have become more serious in city A,and more people are injuried and even killed in theaccidents every year. Take the above chart as anexample,and only the six months from July 17th toDec 17th 2002,600 people were injuried and 3,900people lost their lives in the traffic accidents. If youtake a careful look at the chart and study the figures,you'll find the number of people injuried or killed inthe traffic accidents in city A has been increasing all the time. In July , there were only 2,000people injuried, while inDecember, the number of the injuried went up to 4,200. There was anincrease of 110 percent. As for the people killed in the accidents in July, the figure was only300, but in December it rose to 1,200 which was four times as bigger as it was in July. So thetraffic problem has become a big headache for the city government.
A城市的交通事故非常嚴重,每年都有許多人在交通事故中受傷或是死亡。就拿以上圖表為例,從2002年7月17日到12月17日的六個月當中,就有600人受傷,還有3900人失去生命。如果你仔細觀看圖表,并研究數據,你就會發現A城市在交通事故中受傷和死亡的人數還在上升。7月份,受傷的人數只有2000人,而在12月份,受傷的人數就升到了4200人。上升的比率是110%。就拿7月份死亡的人數來說,死亡的人數只有300人,但是在12月份,這個人數就上升到了1200人,是7月份的4倍。所以, 交通問題已經成為了政府所頭疼的問題。