想要在GRE作文部分的考試中寫出優秀的文章,論據素材是重要的一環。好的論據不僅能幫助你支撐觀點,加強說服力,還能體現出考生在閱讀量上的積累和深厚扎實的語言功底基礎。特別是ISSUE作文,更是需要大量好素材作為儲備,才能保證考生無論遭遇那種題目,都能游刃有余地完成一篇高分作文的寫作。小編為大家整理了GRE ISSUE作文各類題目的精品優質素材,一起來看吧。
Like Hooper and Potter, Cuneo approaches his task with ACA using four steps. Although the numbers of steps do not match those of Hooper & Potter, the ideas and intentions all coincide with one another. These steps consist of:
1. clearly identifying the problem and putting together a business plan to implement solutions;
2. conducting an unemotional analysis of the skill sets needed to staff organization successfully;
3. hiring the right people;
4. and increasing productivity by empowering staff, allowing an element of risk, and making sure you’re working on the right task.
Hooper and Potter point to seven leadership competencies as their tool of measurement, which are:
1. setting direction;
2. setting an example;
3. effective communications;
4. creating emotional alignment;
5. bringing the best out of people;
6. the leader as a change agent;
7. making decision in crisis or uncertainty.
Strengthening relationships between the board and the staff is a critical function for many association executives. Other than the chief staff executive, staffs often have infrequent interaction with board members. Board members and staff need to know each other as individuals. They need an understanding of their respective work styles and strengths and weaknesses. And they need agreement on how they will work effectively with each other. This distinction of roles has led to a big attitude change in that obviously the board needs to tell employees what it wants to be done, but the board is now coming to employees for their expertise and feedback rather than saying “It must be done”, displaying the essential characteristic that Hooper and Potter address in Take It From the Top, the ability of the leader to unlock the potential of their people.