雅思寫作提高第一步:結構(5.0 - 5.5)
問題:出國留學的優點(the advantages of disadvantages of study abroad)
同學:One reason for those who decide to go overseas to get a higher degree is that they believe they can get better education in certain fields. That is to say, different universities in different countries have their specialized courses and rich resources can be provided according to their needs and requirements. Another reason is that they can learn a foreign language in a more efficient way. There is no denying that living in an all-round English environment and being affected by local culture make people quick learners.
解析:出國留學和高學歷完全是兩回事(出去讀初中和高中都算出國);出國就是better education,在國內就不是better? 出國留學可不僅僅是上大學,而該同學認為出國留學就是去上大學的(因為她可能就是去上大學的,所以覺得所有人也都如此),偏激。此外,第四句論述變成了英語環境了(因為大家都去英語國家,所以主觀認為,所有出國的人就是去學英語的),再次帶來了內容偏激。
大家找問題的時候是不是去找語法或者詞匯使用上面的錯誤了?對,很多時候大家認為自己寫的沒什么問題(畢竟詞匯和語法沒少使用),分數低會歸類到“壓分”。那么在感受一下5.5分的原因真是詞匯或者語法問題嗎?考官看不懂,就是看不懂;唯一看懂的就是結構還算完整,所以5.0 - 5.5分。
雅思寫作提高第二步:邏輯(6.0 - 6.5)
邏輯部分的主要得分點有兩個:一個是觀點的準確性;一個是論證方法的靈活使用。我們根據剛才的5.0 - 5.5分的文章,進一步感受一下有了邏輯的內容有什么區別。
問題:出國留學的優點(the advantages of disadvantages of study abroad)
Tim老師改:One reason for those who decide to go overseas for study is that they believe they can have access to different educational resources. That is to say, different countries have different educational system, and they can provide people with their specialized courses and rich resources to their needs and requirements. Another reason is that they can learn a foreign language in a more efficient way. There is no denying that living in a foreign environment and being affected by local culture make people learn a language more quickly.
解析:Tim老師通過修改了上面同學的問題,把內容變得更準確、有說服力。所以,5.5 - 6.0分的一個最佳提分方式就是學會總結歸納自己要說的內容;否則,只是通過詞匯或者語法是很難提高分數的(大家可以感受一下自己當下的學習方式就知道了)。
問題:出國留學的優點 (the advantages of disadvantages of study abroad)
On one hand, people can have access to different educational resources when they pursue their study in another country. It is self-evident that everyone would choose a place that offers a more competitive and better education in certain field as the destination for their overseas studies. This explains the reason why bunches of young people flood into some countries for further their study, such as America or Germany. Under this circumstance, students will receive many materials that are more up-to-date and teachers can provide them with the latest development in their fields that differs from others.
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