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Musclesand Human
Body It is in the joints of the humanbody that movements of the bones take place. The movement itselfis caused by the pull of sheets and cords of very toughtissue called muscle. Muscle tissue has the special ability toshorten itself so that the bone on which it pulls has to move. When muscletissue shortens, it also bunches up. Muscle tissue coversthe body in sheets and bands that lie between the skin and the skeleton.The bones are the framework of the body, but the muscles fill out the bodyshape. Most muscles extend from one bone to another. When the muscle betweenthe bones shortens, one bone has to move. The point where the muscle isfastened to the unmoving bone is called the origin of themuscle, whereas the point where the muscle is not fastened to thebone that is to be moved is called the insertion. Sometimes themuscle is not attached directly to the bone but to a tough, nonstretchablecord, or tendon, that is attached to the bone. Muscles do not push; they canonly pull. To bend the arm at the elbow, the muscle at the front of the upperarm has to shorten and bunch up. To unbend the arm other muscles in the back ofthe arm have to shorten. These two sets of muscles - the front and the back -are said to act in opposition to each other. When one set is working, the otherset is usually relaxed. But there are times when both of them work. Sometimesmuscles are called upon to do more than simply pull in one direction. They mayhave to perform a turning motion. To be able to do this, the muscle must beattached to the bone at an angle. By pulling, the muscle can cause the bone topivot. A few muscles have special functions. The diaphragm, for example, forcesthe lungs to take in air. This part of breathing is not primarily abone moving operation.
骨骼運動發生在人體的關節部位。這種運動是由稱為肌肉的片狀或條狀的強韌組織拖動而引起的。 肌肉組織有一種特殊的收縮能力,可以帶動與之相連的骨骼。肌肉在收縮的同時,也會聚成團。 肌肉以條狀或片狀形式布滿全身,存在于皮膚與骨架之間。骨骼是身體的支架,而肌肉則構成了人的體形。大多數肌肉接兩塊骨頭,但當肌肉收縮時只有一塊骨頭運動。肌肉與不動骨相連的一端叫肌起端,與動骨相連的一端叫附著端。有 些肌肉不與骨骼直接相連,而是連著附在骨骼上的不能收縮的帶狀組織或腱上。肌肉不能推動而只能拉動骨骼。要從肘部彎曲手臂,就要收縮上臂正面的肌肉。要伸直手臂,背面的肌肉就得收縮。這兩組肌肉,正面的和背面的,稱為相反運動肌肉。當一組工作時,另 一組就休息。但有時它們也一起工作。 有時我們要求肌肉不僅僅做簡單的單向拖動。它 們需要轉動。但只有當肌肉與骨骼形成一定角度時,它們才能轉動,從而拖動骨骼繞某個 軸旋轉。有幾塊肌肉的作用較特殊,例如隔膜肌。它帶動肺部吸入空氣。呼吸基本上不是骨骼運動帶動的。