The Main Influence of Economic Crisis on College Students
Currently, the economic crisis is severely affecting college students in many aspects. For example, some students have to make decisions about where, and even whether, they will go to further their education as their families watch drastic income shrink. As far as I’m concerned, the main influence of economic crisis on college students is that it makes obtaining employment even more difficult. Once there was a time when graduating from a university was a cause for celebration. College education used to be considered as a guarantee for good income, a decent work place and a passport to big cities like Beijing and Shanghai. But things have changed now. With today’s economic crisis, students face difficulties entering the workforce. It’s an anxious time for many. Many students getting ready to enter the job market say that they’re scared. Many companies, particularly international big names, have cut employees due to overseas problems in stock markets. Thousands of factories, which used to manufacture shoes, clothes or toys for export, have been closed or are struggling for survival as their foreign orders were declined. All of these not only mean there are more unemployed people, but also fewer opportunities for first-time job seekers. Consequently, nowadays students not only lower their salary expectations but also consider working in rural instead of urban areas. In sum, college students are feeling the economic crisis shockwave in the job market, which has become a pressing problem confronting them.