Is Internet Sensationalizing Acceptable?
For most Netizens, the following scenario may befamiliar: a post with erotic photos is submitted by aNetizen in certain forum; “interested” Netizens beginto make both positive and negative comments sothat increasing number of Netizens would be involvedin the hot discussion; and then the post is to belinked toother forums and websites, the post-submitter to be interviewed by a series of entertainment programs and newspapers;eventually, the post-submitter gains celebrity overnight. Netizens call this process Internetsensationalizing.
By far, there have been a variety of successful Internet sensationalizing cases such as LotusSister and February Girl. While many conservative people deem it vulgar, I personally thinkthat the sensationalizing is acceptable so long as it is not maliciously intended.
Firstly, the Internet sensationalizing provides opportunities to grass-root people who want tomake a name. Generally speaking, it is difficult for grass-root people to become eminentthrough conventional means, for the world is so competitive that only those most talentedand diligent people can make it. Even if they eventually realize their dreams, it would take timeand efforts. Thanks to the Internet, people can easily be informed, which indicates that so longas the news is sensational enough, it will be quickly transmitted to each corner of our country.Overnight, it is likely that an unknown person hits the headlines of portal websites, and then isinterviewed by different newspapers. If the new big shot proves well-received by the public, theywill soon be offered a role in movies or TV series.
Secondly, as Internet sensationalizing can not succeed without hot discussion of contrastopinions, participants in the discussion will have access to different ideasand become morerational. For example, in Chanel Girl’s case, she claimed that she was expelled by the universityauthorities because she had renouncedforeign language teaching in her blog. In response,some Netizens argue that as an individual has the right of delivering free speeches, it isridiculous for a prestigious university to expel the student. Of course, there are Netizenswho disagree with the argument. They argue that we can not believe in all what Chanel Girl saidin her blog, for it would take time for the university to make the decision. As the later revealedtruth indicates, the girl lied. In this sense, people will learn to figure out the truth in theInternet sensationalizing and hence become more rational.
Undoubtedly, there are some negative impacts of Internet sensationalizing. For example, thoseinvolved in the sensationalizing may be unfairly criticized. Anyway, Internet sensationalizing canbe used by grass-root people to make a name overnight, if they do not have maliciousintentions.