Model Essay(范文):
In the past in America, children were valuable workers. For example, they helped on the armor in the family business in order to bring in money. Just a couple of generations later, attitudeshave changed. Now children are hardly expected to work at all. Modern children often don’t evendo chores. This is sad, because I think that they are missing something if they don’t help out athome. Sharing in household tasks benefits children of all ages.
First of all, household tasks build skills. Very young children learn motor skills andclassification skills when they pick up their toys and put them away. Talking about how to dothings helps them learn to analyze situations. Older children learn skills they’ll need as an adult.Cleaning and cooking may seem dull, but knowing how to do them well makes life a lot easier.How many young adults leave for college unable to do their own laundry or cook anythingbesides a frozen microwave dinner? It’s amazingly common.
When everyone in a family helps out, the family is happier. Nowadays it’s common for bothparents to work . when they come home, they have more work to do. Life is stressful andthere’s no time for fun. By sharing household tasks, everyone gains. Children can help theirparents with simple tasks such as picking up their own rooms, putting away their own laundry,starting dinner occasionally, or taking care of younger siblings. Then the family can relaxtogether, and parent won’t feel like servants to their “couch potato” offspring.
The most important thing children learn from helping with household tasks is responsibility.Handling everyday tasks teaches organization and time management skills. Children learn thatchores have to be completed before they can play, or before they get their allowances. Childrenwho understand that effort pays off will be more successful later in life.
Kids should not work all the time. A happy life needs balance. But if they can successfullyhandle tasks at home, they will handle life better too. They will know the satisfaction ofdoing a good job, be involved in family life, and become more confident and responsibleadults.