after-gaokao economy
As more than nine million students finish taking the national college entrance exam, or gaokao, they now become the target of businessmen and the so-called "after-gaokao economy".
針對考生的需求,商家紛紛出招,推出各類產品,諸如"游學(overseas study tours)體驗營"、"復讀培優班"、"駕考速成班"等。
?"高考后,由于高考成績不理想(unsatisfied exam scores),已有一些考生計劃復讀。為此,一些培訓機構也早早地發布了補習班(cram school)招生信息。北京某知名培訓機構負責人稱,他們今年將開設十幾個復讀班(set up more than a dozen review classes this year),并會根據學生的考試成績,分成基礎班、提高班、培優班(place students in basic, advance or key classes based on their exam scores)等不同層次的班級。另外一家教育機構負責人表示,他們有近20年開設復讀班的經驗(they have 20 years of experience in running review classes)。近年來,該機構的一本錄取率(first-class universities acceptance rates)都在50%以上。據此人介紹,一般學生一年的學費(tuition fee)為6萬多元。他們也設置了"1對1培訓"課程(one-to-one class),價格最高可達30萬元。
?除了培訓班,一些駕校(driving schools)也早早行動起來,緊盯準大學生這塊"香饃饃"。北京海淀區某駕校工作人員稱,今年,他們針對高考生推出了暑期班(a summer course for gaokao examinees),5名或以上學生組團報名(apply for the class in a group of five or above)的話,每人只需3400元的學車費用,相比平時,便宜近千元。江西南昌某駕校也推出了頗具吸引力的促銷手段(offer attractive promotions),諸如"高考狀元免費學車"(exempt top scorers from tuition fee)、"高考生憑證抵價200元"(lower the fees by RMB200 if students show the admission ticket for the national college entrance exam)等。
?高考過后進行一場"說走就走"的旅行,也正成為越來越多考生所青睞的放松方式(a favorite way to relax)。中青旅遨游網首席品牌官(chief brand officer)表示,每年暑期,他們接待的出境游學生群體數量都會增長10%到20%左右(the number of students heading overseas for travel increases around 10% to 20%)。每年高考結束后,凱撒旅行社也會迎來一波考生出境旅游的高峰(see a peak in number of students traveling overseas after the gaokao every year),短線(short line tours)如日本、韓國、泰國等,長線(long line tours)如歐洲和北美都是熱點。
復讀班 review class
招生詐騙 enrollment scam
高考作文題 gaokao essay prompts
高考改革 gaokao reform
學費 tuition fee
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