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本文標題:新東方托福高分作文:呆在原地還是搬到別的地方?推薦范文 - 托福范文_托福考試作文【題目要求】
Some people spend their entire lives in one place. Others move a number of times throughout their lives, looking for a better job, house, community, or even climate. Which do you prefer: staying in one place or moving in search of another place? Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.【題目分析】
選擇哪一個都無所謂。直接選擇一個立場,文章就變成了羅列三個理由的簡單說明文。后者比較容易操作一些。也可以采取it depends的策略。小的時候,沒有選擇,父母在哪里,自己就要在哪里; 長大了,就會不停地尋找合適的地方; 到了老年,就喜歡停留在一個地方了。