寫作題目 Question:
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement
Some people believe that university studentsshould be required to attend classes. Othersbelieve that going to classes should be optionalfor students. Which point of view do you agreewith?
Use specific reasons and details to explainyour answer.
Some people may believe that going to classesshould be optional, but I disagree. I don'tunderstand how university students can expect tolearn anything if they don't attend classes. Personalexperience can help people learn about themselvesand the world outside the classroom, but when it comes to learning about academic subjects,students need to be in class.
In class they receive the benefit of the teacher's knowledge. The best teachers do more thanjust go over the material in than class textbook. They draw their students into discussion ofthe material. They present opposing points of view. They schedule guest speakers to come,give the students additional information, or show documentary films on the subject.
Also, attending classes on any subject teaches more than just facts. It teaches students howto learn, how to absorb information and then apply what they've learned to other situations.Their teacher is the best one to help them with these skills. They can't learn them just byreading the textbook.
Going to class also teaches students how to work with the other members of the class. Manytimes students will be given group assignments. This is different from what they did insecondary school. Here they're with people from different backgrounds and experiences. In thissituation, they learn how to handle working with people different from themselves to achieve acommon goal.
Going to class also teaches students responsibility and discipline. Having to be at a particularplace at a particular time prepares them for getting a job. Being at a place on time with anassignment completed prepares them for a career.
In short, by going to class students learn more than just information from the teacher. Theyalso learn how to learn, how to work with others, and how to work responsibly. These are not optional skills in life, so attending classes should not be optional in college.