To remain happy and optimistic when you fail is more important than achieving success. 在低谷的時候仍保持樂觀開朗比取得成功更重要,是否認同?(2014年6月29日)
① 什么叫做夢想,夢想就是朝思暮想,時刻都想,夢想就是可以為了一個目標不計代價,傾其所有。夢兒追的我累,可以我不愿后退,因為我想象中的美,一定能擦我心中的淚,夢是寶貝。
② 臨高峰而自謙很難,居低谷而自強更難。人生如逆水行舟,不進則退。人生有順境,也有逆境,努力從現在開始,保持樂觀,習慣用煩惱的時間去解決問題,人生才可能峰回路轉,柳暗花明。
【作家立場】 任何的成功都會成為歷史,而為夢想不懈奮斗,低谷中自強,順境中繼續奮勇的精神,更加值得推崇。
① 老子說:“哀莫大于心死。”我們必須接受有限的失望,但是,我們不能放棄無限的希望。樂觀精神,讓奮斗者懷著美好的愿望和吉祥的預感,不斷朝前走,哪怕,這種希望是渺茫的。
② 一般而言,除非有特殊的背景或者天賦,財富的積累, 夢想的實現總是依賴堅定的意志和達觀的態度,絕大部分成功者,都走過了一段漫長的道路,在人生的后半段, 修成正果。例如,馬云在創業之初,阻力重重,他和他的團隊,逆境中保持樂觀,堅持夢想,執著努力,才有了后來阿里巴巴的財富故事。 例如,叔叔保羅是成功的創業者,創立英語工作室,起初,創業前景不確定,但是,叔叔毅然創業,努力經營,積極樂觀,賺取人生財富。
③ 一個目標,實現了叫做夢想,未實現叫做妄想。成功者和失敗者最多的區別在于成功者在目標設定之后,會在最短的時間里,采取最大量的行動,所謂,贏在執行。但是,堅持慣性卻需要強大的精神動力——相信自己,保持樂觀。研究顯示:在困境中,樂觀者比悲觀者表現優異,他們工作更有成效,積極應對壓力,很少遭遇悲傷,可以實現更多個人目標。林書豪初入NBA,只是一個“飲水機”球員,睡在隊友家沙發上,家人勸他另謀他路, 但是,相信未來的樂觀精神鼓勵他堅持訓練,才有了后來“林瘋狂”家喻戶曉的故事。
1. Such is human nature to pursue success and savor happiness. 追求成功,品味幸福是人之本性。
2. Success is what every individual aspires after, however, conflicting ideas clash in whether remaining cheerful is much more important that success itself. 人人渴望成功,但是,關于是否逆境中保持樂觀比成功本身重要,人們觀點差異。
3. To voice my opinion, in comparison with making great achievements, it is much more commendable to maintain resilience and perseverance. 我認為對比之取得成功,保持達觀,堅忍不拔更加值得推崇。
4. achieve success = make success = obtain success 取得成功
【拓展】 realize one’s dream = fulfill one’s ambition 實現夢想
5. stand out from the rest = stand out in a crowd = outshine others 出類拔萃
6. a great many social elites or great-achievers n 很多的社會精英或者是成功者
7. amass personal wealth = accumulate personal wealth 積累個人財富
8. We, in most cases, should rely on honest hard work and optimistic life outlook to embrace success. 多數情況下,我們要依賴誠實的努力和樂觀的態度才能成功。
9. Optimism always has an indispensable to play in helping one make success 樂觀精神在幫助人們成功方面,總是可以發揮不可缺少的作用。
10. Industry redeems stupidity n勤能補拙
【拓展】 redeem = compensate for = make up for v彌補
11. Only with a clear goal, bright life attitude, persistent efforts can a person put all the challenges under the feet and taste the sweetness of life. 只有有了清晰的頭腦,樂觀的人生態度,即刻的努力,我們才能戰勝所有的挑戰,品味生活的甜美。
12. For instance, I encountered great difficulties in competing with top students in an English oral competition,however,I made efforts everyday, with great optimism, I successfully stood out from other excellent contestants in English speech contest. 例如,我在參加英語演講比賽的時候,遇到了很大困難,但是,我日日努力,積極樂觀,最終,我在英語比賽中脫穎而出。
13. The debate reminds me of my Paul, who is a successful business leader who has been running English training workshop for a long time,at the very beginning of his self-employment,the prospects of carving out career was unclear,however,he hardened is heart to give it a try. Luckily enough, with great sense of resilience and constant endeavors, now, Paul has accumulated personal fame and wealth. 叔叔保羅是成功的創業者,創立英語工作室,起初,創業前景不確定,但是,叔叔毅然創業,努力經營,積極樂觀,賺取人生財富。
14. Convinced of the importance of the tenacity and optimism,a great-achiever will definitely take the utmost efforts to bridge the gap between dream and reality. 認識到執著和樂觀的重要性,成功者在目標設定后,會在最短的時間里采取最大量的行動,縮短和夢的距離。
15. Namely,action speaks louder than words and one can win via prompt implementation,就是所謂,行勝于言,贏在執行。
16. We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. 我們必須接受有限的希望,但是,我們不能放棄無限的希望。
17. There is no poverty like the poverty of spirit哀莫大于心死(在精神的貧困中,沒有貧困)
18. Optimists have plenty to be happy about. In other words, if you can convince yourself that things will get better, the odds of it happening will improve —— because you keep on playing the game 樂觀者快樂的源泉更多,換言之,如果你能說服自己,事情會變好,未來就會更加美好,因為你會堅持夢想。
19. The research shows that when times get tough, optimists do better than pessimists —— they succeed better at work, respond better to stress, suffer fewer depressive episodes and achieve more personal goals. 研究顯示:在困境中,樂觀者比悲觀者表現優異,他們工作更有成效,積極應對壓力,很少遭遇悲傷,可以實現更多個人目標。
20. The path to success is often littered with failure. But instead of curling into a ball beneath the coffee table, optimists resiliently pick themselves up, learn from their frustrations and march boldly towards the next opportunity. 成功之路,充滿失敗, 但是,樂觀者不會蜷縮在咖啡桌下,他們總是振作精神,從失敗中學習,朝著下一個機會勇敢前行。