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Some people insist on pizza drenched in tomato sauce, heaped with cured meats and oozing cheese. Others crave minimalist pies topped with nothing but garlic, olive oil and rosemary, or thinly sliced tomatoes and fresh mozzarella. One way to please everyone at the table is to custom-make pizza at home: Prepare a selection of toppings and take orders.


  For me, though, a pizza ultimately succeeds or fails on the quality of its crust. The kind of flour you choose makes a big difference. In the recipe at right, I opt for half whole-wheat flour, half all-purpose or bread flour. The whole wheat makes for a flavorful crust, and provides all the health benefits associated with eating whole grains -- though a crust made solely with this kind of flour would be tough and dry. All-purpose flour has a higher protein content, and bread flour an even higher one; adding either to the mix makes a smoother dough and a lighter, more tender crust. You can also make this recipe using entirely all-purpose or bread flour, or a combo of the two. Experiment until you achieve the texture and taste you crave.


  The part many novice pizzaiolos find daunting is handling the pizza dough. All too often, the circle springs back like a rubber band and becomes impossible to roll out long before it reaches the diameter called for in the recipe. I recall becoming similarly frustrated myself -- and jettisoning the recalcitrant dough in favor of English muffin halves -- when first trying to make pizza. Little did I realize, all that stiff dough needed was a short time-out in the refrigerator. Kneading and rolling develop the gluten in the flour and cause the crust to recoil rather than enlarge; chilling relaxes the tightly wound gluten. A five-to-10-minute rest results in compliant dough that stretches effortlessly to its requisite size.




  1 1/3 cups lukewarm water


  2 cups whole-wheat flour


  2 teaspoons honey


  2 teaspoons fine sea salt


  2 tablespoons olive oil, plus 2 teaspoons to grease bowl


  1 envelope active dry yeast


  2 cups bread or all-purpose flour, plus additional for rolling




  1. Add flours, honey, yeast and salt to the bowl of a food processor or electric mixer and process to combine. Add water and 2 tablespoons oil and continue to process until dough forms a ball. If dough is sticky, add more flour, 1 tablespoon at a time. If dough is too dry, add water, 1 tablespoon at a time.

  第一步 在食物處理器或電動攪拌機的攪拌碗中加入面粉、蜂蜜、酵母和鹽,然后攪拌。加入水和兩湯匙油,繼續攪拌,直到面團成球狀。如果面團比較黏,再加面粉,一次加一湯匙。如果面團太干就加水,一次加一湯匙。

  2. Scrape the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead until you have a smooth, elastic ball, about 5 minutes. (Kneading can also be done using an electric mixer with the bread hook in place.)

  第二步 將面團拿出,放到撒有少許面粉的臺面上,揉捏面團,直到面團成為光滑有彈性的圓球,大約需要揉捏五分鐘。(還可以裝上面團鉤用電動攪拌器來揉面。)

  3. Form dough into a smooth ball and place in a large bowl greased with the remaining 2 teaspoons olive oil. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and set aside until dough doubles in size, about 1 hour. Cut risen dough in half. Knead each half briefly and then shape into a ball. Place the two balls on a lightly floured surface and cover loosely with a clean kitchen towel or plastic wrap. Let rest 1 hour at room temperature or in the refrigerator up to 24 hours. If refrigerated, let dough come to room temperature before continuing.

  第三步 鮮膜,靜置片刻,直到面團脹大一倍,大約需要一小時。將發起來的面團對半切,分別簡單揉一揉,然后捏成球狀。將兩個面團放在撒有面粉的臺面上,用干 的廚房紙巾或保鮮膜蓋上。室溫放置一小時,或者冰箱里放置最長24小時。若放在冰箱,等面團溫度恢復到室溫后再繼續下一步。

  4. Use a rolling pin to roll out and your hands to stretch each ball into a circle 12-14 inches in diameter. If dough becomes too elastic, place it in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes to relax before continuing.


  Pizza Margherita

  第四步 用搟面杖將面團搟平,用手將兩個面團拉成直徑12到14英寸的圓餅。如果面團彈性太大,將其在冰箱放置約10分鐘后再繼續處理。

  Total Time: 20-25 minutes Makes: one 12-14-inch pizza

  瑪格麗塔披薩(Pizza Margherita) 用時總計20到25分鐘,成品為12至14英寸的披薩

  Preheat oven to 500 degrees and place rack as low as possible in oven. Lightly oil a 14-16-inch pizza pan or very large baking sheet and lay uncooked crust on top, rolling in edges to form a rim if desired. // In a 10-inch skillet, heat 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil over medium-high heat, add 2 large cloves garlic, minced, and cook, stirring, 1 minute. Add 1 ? cups canned whole peeled tomatoes, crushing them as they go into the pan, then packed ? cup torn basil leaves. Boil, stirring frequently, until a thick sauce forms, 5-7 minutes. // Spread a layer of sauce over rolled-out crust, top with packed ? cup torn basil leaves and 4 ounces fresh mozzarella, thinly sliced. (You may have leftover sauce.) Drizzle with 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil. Sprinkle with ? teaspoon oregano and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. If you like, top with 3 tablespoons freshly grated Parmesan and/or red pepper flakes to taste. // Bake 10 minutes. Use a pizza peel or a large spatula and an oven mitt to transfer pizza from pan directly onto oven rack. Bake 2 minutes more, or until cheese is melted and crust is golden and done to your liking.

  將烤箱預熱到500華氏度(260攝氏度),將烤架放在烤箱最底層。將一個14至16英寸的披薩盤或一個大號烤盤涂上少許油,將生餅皮放在盤子上,如果喜歡的話可以把邊緣卷起來做褶邊。// 10英寸的平底鍋中倒入一湯匙特級初榨橄欖油,中火加熱,加入兩大瓣蒜切成的蒜末,炒制一分鐘。加入一杯半罐裝去皮整番茄,在鍋中壓碎,然后加入1/4杯撕碎的羅勒葉。煮開,不停地攪拌,直到變成濃濃的番茄醬,需要五至七分鐘。//在攤好的餅皮上鋪上一層番茄醬,上面撒上1/4杯撕碎的羅勒葉和四盎司鮮馬蘇里拉奶酪薄片。(番茄醬可能用不完。)淋入三湯匙特級初榨橄欖油。撒上半茶匙牛至葉,加鹽和現磨黑胡椒調味。如果喜歡的話,可以按照口味撒上三湯匙現磨的帕爾瑪干酪和/或紅辣椒片。//烤制10分鐘。用披薩鏟或大鍋鏟和防熱手套將披薩從烤盤轉移到烤架上,再烘烤兩分鐘,或者根據自己喜好烤至奶酪融化,餅皮呈金黃色。



  1. Onion, Garlic and Rosemary: Combine 2 large red onions sliced into very thin rings, 4 very thinly sliced garlic cloves, ? cup olive oil, ? teaspoon salt, ? teaspoon red pepper flakes and 3 tablespoons finely minced fresh rosemary leaves, and let marinate at least 1 hour. Top pizza and bake.

  1. 洋蔥、大蒜和迷迭香披薩:兩大顆紅洋蔥切成薄薄的圈,四顆大蒜切成薄片,將洋蔥圈、蒜片、半杯橄欖油、1/4茶匙鹽、半茶匙紅辣椒片和三湯匙新鮮迷迭香葉碎末混合在一起,腌制至少一小時。鋪在披薩上,放入烤箱烤制。

  2. Vegetarian: Brush dough with olive oil or pesto, then top with slightly overlapping thin slices of eggplant, onion, tomato, mushrooms and mozzarella. Brush lightly with more oil or pesto. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Bake.

  2. 素披薩:將面團刷上橄欖油或香蒜醬,上面鋪上切成薄片的茄子、洋蔥、西紅柿、蘑菇和馬蘇里拉奶酪。再刷上少許橄欖油或香蒜醬。加鹽和現磨黑胡椒調味,放入烤箱烤制。

  3. Marinara: Brush dough lightly with tomato sauce, then sprinkle with rinsed and dried capers, halved and pitted black olives, and chopped anchovies. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Bake.

  3. 瑪利那拉披薩(Marinara):將面團刷上少許番茄醬,然后撒上漂洗干 的干酸豆、對半切去核的黑橄欖,還有剁碎的?魚。加鹽和現磨黑胡椒調味,放入烤箱烤制。

  4. Quattro Stagioni: Brush dough lightly with tomato sauce. Top with strips of prosciutto, sliced mushrooms tossed in olive oil, sliced marinated artichokes and halved and pitted black olives. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Bake.

  4. 四季披薩(Quattro Stagioni):將面團刷上少許番茄醬。鋪上意大利熏火腿條、拌了橄欖油的蘑菇片、腌洋薊片、和對半切去核的黑橄欖。加鹽和現磨黑胡椒調味,放入烤箱烤制。

  5. Mixed Peppers and Onions: Lightly sauté 4 bell peppers, sliced-mixed colors if possible-along with 2 sliced onions and 2 cloves sliced garlic in 3 tablespoons olive oil. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Stir in mixed chopped fresh herbs (parsley, basil, oregano, thyme and/or chives) if desired. Spread over pizza dough. Bake. When hot from the oven, garnish with freshly grated Parmesan.

  5. 辣椒洋蔥雜燴披薩:四個燈籠椒切片,如果可能的話用不同顏色,兩只洋蔥和兩顆大蒜切片,放入三湯匙橄欖油中煎制片刻。加鹽和現磨黑胡椒調味。如果喜歡的話可以加入切碎的新鮮香草(歐芹、羅勒、牛至、百里香和/或韭菜)。煎好鋪在面團上,放入烤箱烤制。從烤箱出爐時,趁熱撒上現磨的帕爾馬干酪。

  6. Fresh Sausage and Peppers: Follow instructions for Mixed Peppers and Onions, and dot with ? pound sweet or hot Italian sausage, crumbled, before baking.

  6. 鮮香腸和辣椒披薩:按照辣椒洋蔥雜燴披薩的步驟制作,烤制前鋪上1/4磅甜味或辣味意大利香腸碎塊。

  7. Shellfish and Scallions: Cut 6 scallions into 1-inch lengths and sauté in olive oil 1 minute. Add ? pound mixed shellfish-shelled shrimp, sliced scallops, clams and mussels steamed open and removed from shells. Stir in 1-2 cloves chopped garlic, season with salt and freshly ground black pepper, and remove from heat. Brush dough with olive oil and add a layer of chopped fresh tomatoes. Top with shellfish mixture and bake. Garnish with chopped fresh basil or parsley.

  7. 海鮮青蔥披薩:將六棵青蔥切成一英寸長的小段,在橄欖油中煎制一分鐘。加入3/4磅各類海鮮――去殼的蝦、切碎的扇貝、蛤蜊和蒸熟并去殼的貽貝。放入一到二顆大蒜的蒜末,加鹽和現磨黑胡椒調味,關火。將面團刷上橄欖油,鋪上一層剁碎的新鮮番茄。鋪上調好味的海鮮,放入烤箱烤制。最后用剁碎的新鮮羅勒或歐芹點綴。

  8. Mushrooms, Pancetta and Garlic: Cut 5 ounces pancetta into ?-inch lardons and cook over medium heat until soft. Transfer pancetta to paper towels to drain. Add 3 tablespoons olive oil to pan and sauté ? pounds sliced mixed mushrooms with 2 cloves sliced garlic, chopped thyme and chopped parsley. Add cooked pancetta and top pizza. Bake. When done, garnish with grated Parmesan or Pecorino.

  8. 蘑菇、意式培根(Pancetta)、大蒜披薩:將五盎司的意式培根切成1/4英寸大小的肉丁,中火烹制直至松軟。將培根轉移到紙巾上控油。平底鍋中加入三湯匙橄欖油,加入3/4磅切片的各類蘑菇、兩顆切片的大蒜、剁碎的百里香和歐芹。加入烹制好的培根,鋪在面團上。放入烤箱烤制,烤好后撒上磨好的帕爾瑪干酪或佩克里諾干酪點綴。

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