A Vision of Education in the Year 2010暢想2010年的教育
Mega school structures will no longer be built. Instead, existing structures will be downsized and repurposed to meet the changing needs of students, who will spend much of their time learning off-site. With fewer students on-site each day, less equipment will be needed, which, in turn, will mean a smaller investment in equipment that rapidly loses its value. Educational institutions' computers will be connected to networks that will provide almost unlimited computing power and constantly upgraded software. Funds saved on technology and infrastructure will be reallocated to furnish smaller educational facilities and provide all students with access to computer networks via hand-held computers. These hand-held computers will be used by students to complete learning cycles, up- and download information, printout reports, access the Internet, and store the results of their work.
Inequity will not be eliminated by the year 2010. Disparity, however, between the haves and have-nots-whether due to economics race, or mental/physical challenges-will be directly addressed through policy, administrative, and economic initiatives. These initiatives will redirect monies away from building and operational expenses to student-driven expenses in order to provide the necessary tools for all students to participate in progressive learning environments. All students will have the opportunity to prepare themselves for the competitive new economy. Educational opportunities will no longer hold individuals back due to a lack of quality or resources.
Communities will be more involved in education. Local businesses will take a greater role in helping prepare students through apprenticeship programs. Businesses will receive tax incentives to become actively involved.
英語 文學本文地址:http://www.hengchuai.cn/writing/essay/44560.html