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Live in a style that suits your physical and spiritual requirements,and don't waste time keeping up with the Joneses. 除非有人愿意以足夠證據,證明他的建議具有一定的可靠性,否則別接受任何人的建議,你將會因謹慎而避免被誤導,或被當成傻瓜。Refuse to heed anyone's advice-unless that person is willing to give you satisfactory evidence of the soundness of his or her counsel.You will save yourself from hucksters,the misguided,and fools. 務必了解人的力量并非全然來自物質而已。甘地領導他的人民爭取自由所依靠的并非財富。Discern that personal power does not come form the possession of material things alone.Mahatma Gandhi led his nation to freedom without a fortune. 使自己多多活動以保持自己的健康狀態,生理上的疾病很容易造成心理的失調,你身體應和你的思想一樣保持活動,以維持積極的行動。Exert yourself so that you keep your body in shape.Mental ailments can easily spring form physical ones,and your body,like your mind,must be kept active to remain positive. 增加自己的耐性,并以開闊的心胸包容所有事物,同時也應與不同種族和不同信仰的人多接觸,學習接受他人的本性, 而不要一味地要求他人照著你的意思行事。Reinforce the habit of tolerance,and keep an open mind on all subjects and toward all people no matter what their rave or creed.Learn to like people just as they are,instead of demanding that they be just as you want them to be. 你應承認,“愛”是你生理和心理疾病的最佳藥物,愛會改 變并且調適你體內的化學元素,以使它們有助于你表現出積 極心態,愛也會擴展你的包容力。接受愛的最好方法就是付出你自己的愛。Admit that love it the finest medication for your body and your soul.Love changes the entire chemistry of your body and conditions it for the expression of a positive mental attitude.It also extends the space you occupy in the heart of others.The best way to receive love is to give it. 以相同或更多的價值回報給你好處的人。“報酬增加律” 最后還會給你帶來好處,而且可能會為你帶來所有你應得到 的東西的能力。Return every benefit you receive with one of equal or greater value.The Law of Increasing Returns will operate in your favor,and eventually--or perhaps very soon--it will give you the capacity to get everything you are entitled to.A positive mental attitude works both ways.本文地址:http://www.hengchuai.cn/writing/essay/7973.html