假設沒有如果:你的世界將會改變 英語美文欣賞
1. If you don’t understand the product or service, don’t buy it until you do。如果不明白產品或服務,在明白前先不要買。2. If you do not take ownership of your actions, your actions will eventually own you。如果你不能掌控自己的行動,它們終將掌控你。3. If you are not saving at least 10% of your salary, you are not saving enough。如果你沒有將工資的10%以上存起來,那就是儲蓄得不夠多。4. If you talk too much, people will stop listening. If you don’t talk enough, people will never hear your point of view。如果你說太多,別人就懶得聽了。如果你惜墨如金,別人會聽聽你的想法。5. If you are lazy, you will fail. Laziness will always overshadow your true potential。如果你很懶,那么你不會成功的。懶惰會掩蓋你的潛力。6. If you hate your job, you also hate half of the time you spend on this planet。如果你討厭你的工作,那等于討厭你生存在這個世界上的一半時間。7. If you don't finish what you start, your success rate will always be zero。如果你不有始有終,你的成功率將永遠是零。8. If your monthly debt payments exceed 40% of your total income, you will go broke if you don’t fix your spending habits promptly。如果你每月還的債務超過了40%的收入,那要改改消費習慣了,不然會入不敷出的。9. If you avoid your problems, your problems will steer the course of your life。不要逃避問題,你的問題會掌控你的人生軌跡。10. If something sounds too good to be true, it is too good to be true。如果某件事像天上掉餡餅,那基本上就不是真的。11. If you are buying a brand new car every 3-5 years, stop! You are wasting your money。如果你每過3到5年就換一輛新車,別再這樣做了。你在亂花錢!12. If you don’t keep up with important current events, you will look like an idiot in front of others。如果你不跟上時代的潮流,在人前會像白癡。13. If you are not learning something new every day, you are wasting away days of your life。如果每天沒有學到新的東西,你就是在浪費生命。14. If you don’t ever intend to help others, expect them to return the favor。如果你從來沒想過幫助別人,那也別指望他們會幫你。15. If you don’t learn from your mistakes, you probably aren't learning much at all。如果你不知道從錯誤中學習,那估計也不會學到什么了。16. If you are ever confused, don't be afraid to ask questions。如果你有疑問,那就勇敢問出來。17. If you don’t listen to good music while exercising, you are missing out on the best part of your workout。如果你在鍛煉時不聽音樂,那你就錯過了健身時最美妙的部分。18. If you are not happy, it's time to change something。如果你不開心,那是應該改變的時候了。19. If you dress a certain way, people will treat you a certain way。你怎樣打扮自己,別人就怎樣評價你。20. If you never try something new, your life’s story will be boring。如果你不嘗試新事物,你的人生不會多姿多彩。21. If you are overly emotional right now, make the decision later。如果你現在情緒不穩定,那就遲些再做決定。