- 能量的來源(The Source of Energy)
- 能量的來源概說生命的物理和化學特性必須始于太陽--確切地說,是太陽的核心,而非地球。 能量來自太陽的核心。 在這里,太陽不停地以光和熱的形式向空間傾瀉出能量。數十億計的氫原子核在太陽的核心碰撞并且聚變生成氦。...
2019-01-13 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 春天的承諾(A Promise of Spring)
- early in the spring, about a month before my grandpa's stroke, i began walking for an hour every afternoon. some days i would walk four blocks south to see grandma and grandpa. at eighty-six, grandpa...
2019-01-13 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 該怎樣和母親溝通(how to communicate with my mother)
- 該怎樣和母親溝通假如你是一名中學生,叫李曉華,請根據下表內容用英語寫信給某報社Just ask欄目的主持人Ralph,請求幫助解決一個長期困擾你的問題。你的情況1、學習成績好。2、愛母親。3、有點害怕母親。你母親的情況1、...
2019-01-13 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 沙丁魚冰激凌來到葡萄牙(Sardine ice cream coming to Portugal)
- a shop in portugal is reportedly planning to start selling ice-cream in flavours like shrimp, cod, tuna and grilled sardines when it opens next month.a shop in portugal is reportedly planning to start...
2019-01-13 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 青少年和視頻游戲(Teenagers and Video Games)
- these days most adults seem to think that most teenagers spend all of their time playing video games. however, when we surveyed 100 students in our school on the topic of video games, we discovered so...
2019-01-13 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 個性(Individuality)
- 個性(Individuality)提綱:1.什么是個性?2.如何體現個性。Nowadays, individuality has become a popular term with young people. But what is "individuality"? It is being different from others not only in outsid...
2019-01-13 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 互聯網(The Internet)
- 互聯網(The Internet)The Internet exerts a peculiar fascination on a great many people. Both the old and the youth can enjoy the civilized comforts which modern science brings to us. It really adds col...
2019-01-13 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 辭典(Dictionary)
- i'm so pleased to learn that you and your classmates are learning chinese.i'd like to recommend the following two dictionaries.the english-chinese chinese-english dictionary is really a good one for b...
2019-01-13 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 電視十分有用(Television Is Helpful)
- Television Is HelpfulTelevision came into being in the 1930's. Since then, millions of children have grown up in front of television sets. Why do people like TV? Because it's helpful and has brought a...
2019-01-13 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 關于減肥(About Weight-losing)
- nowadays weight-losing has become popular among young and middle-aged women. in order to make themselves pretty-looking, they try many different ways of losing weight.some go on a diet, some take exer...
2019-01-13 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 通知-An Announcement
- Dear students,The Student Union is going to organize a music week. It is in the first week of May. The activities include singing pop songs, playing classical and folk music, and a musical competition...
2019-01-13 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 關于今年高考英語作文的要點和要注意的事項
- 英語寫作是一種創作性的學習過程。啟動知識信息儲存,構思立意,謀篇布局,遣詞造句,對語言表達的正確性和準確性、思維的邏輯性和文章的條理性都比口語要求更高。高考英語寫作有以下幾個特點:緊扣教學大綱對考生書面表達的要...
2019-01-13 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 競爭(Competition)
- 競爭(Competition)Competition makes people original and creative. It very necessary to compete if human society wants to advance. (Even animals compete for survival.) Without it, we would become lazy and...
2019-01-13 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 最后的春天(Spring’s Here Finally)
- the waterfall behind our house at the lower end of lake edenwold is a thundering cascade of spring runoff from the melting snows of winter. it's been a three-week drum roll leading up to today, when t...
2019-01-13 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 小孩被綁架的英語作文
- 用大約120左右英文單詞敘述下面發生的事件。事件梗概如下: 一天,一小男孩被綁架,兩個綁架的男子沿著一條山中小道將小男孩帶進一間小屋,并威脅小男孩。 兩個綁架者拿著小男孩寫給其父母的信走后,小男孩躺在地上,想著逃生的...
2019-01-13 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 蝴蝶(Butterflies)
- there was a time in my life when beauty meant something special to me. i guess that would have been when i was about six or seven years old, just several weeks or maybe a month before the orphanage tu...
2019-01-13 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 心靈之愛(love of heart)
- john was waiting for the girl whose heart he knew, but whose face he didn’t, the girl with the rose. thirteen months ago, in a florida library he took a book off the shelf and found himself intr...
2019-01-13 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 幫助孩子交朋友的辦法(Make friends help children approach)
- 1. help your child communicate.kids who are naturally outgoing have an easier time expressing their interest in other children than shy ones do. but you can help build this skill through practice. ask...
2019-01-13 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 高考英語作文過關的12種句型
- 1.表示原因1)There are three reasons for this.2)The reasons for this are as follows.3)The reason for this is obvious.4)The reason for this is not far to seek.5)The reason for this is that……6)We...
2019-01-13 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 高考英語寫作常用的八種強調方式
- 一、用形容詞“very”,“single”等表示強調Red Army fought a battle on this very spot. 紅軍就在此地打過一仗。Not a single person has been in the office this afternoon. 今天下午竟然沒有一個人來過辦公室。...
2019-01-13 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 英語書面表達四要決
- 英語書面表達是較好的一種主觀性試題,也是高考的保留題型。它涉及到詞匯、句型、語法水平和運用知識的能力。一、認真審題做題時切勿貿然動筆,應細讀題目要求,認真審題,對文章框架做到心中有數。審題要明確三項內容:首先認...
2019-01-13 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 湯姆克魯斯的蘇瑞游戲(Tom Cruise's Suri playroom)
- cast member tom cruise attends the premiere of "tropic thunder" at the mann's village theatre in westwood, california august 11, 2010. the movie opens in the u.s. on august 13.[agencies]tom cruise...
2019-01-13 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 全球變暖的危機
- 全球氣候變暖是目前人類面臨的最大環境問題。請你根據以下提示,寫一篇英語短文,為“節能減排”獻計獻策。背景 隨著經濟的發展,更多的溫室氣體被排放,其中大約70%為二氧化 碳,這也是全球變暖的主要原因之一。后果 海平面上...
2019-01-13 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 三妙招幫你英語作文拿高分
- 書面表達評分標準“最高檔”要求:“應用了較多的語法結構或詞匯;語法結構或詞匯方面有少許錯誤,但為盡力使用較復雜結構或較高級詞匯所致;有效地使用了語句間的連接成分,使全文結構緊湊。”從歷年書面表達高分文章來看,每篇...
2019-01-13 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 杭州茶節(Tea festival in Hangzhou)
- women sit in formation to play chinese traditional musical instrument zither (guzheng) during the opening ceremony of a tea festival in hangzhou, east china's zhejiang province march 22, 2010.the fest...
2019-01-13 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文