- 你長大以后要做什么?
- What you want to be when you grow up?-你長大以后要做什么?This question and another similar question, 'Have you decided what you will do after you finish school? , were among the most common questions peo...
2019-01-11 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 論勇敢-On Bravery
- We often do not take much notice of the people around us who on public service jobs.These people are train station workers, airline stewardess, firemen, policemen, bus drivers, taxi drivers and soldie...
2019-01-11 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 人文科學-The Humanities
- The Humanities-人文科學Since I was an elementary school student, I have been doing a great deal of reading and writing.I like philosophy, politics, and science as well as fairy tales.I study history c...
2019-01-11 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 談冒險-Taking Risks
- Taking Risks-談冒險Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Some people take the view that sometimes in life we have to take chances in order to make progress. I admire such people. It certainly takes guts t...
2019-01-11 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 談樂觀與悲觀-On Optimism and Pessimism
- On Optimism and Pessimism-談樂觀與悲觀There are two types of people in the world. Although they have equal degrees of health and wealth and the other comforts of life, one becomes happy, the other bec...
2019-01-11 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 關系說明:關于記憶-About Memory
- 關于記憶【內容提示】記憶(力)與一個人學習的好壞、能力的強弱關系很大。請你寫一篇文章,說明記憶(力)的重要性。文章要點如下:①偉人的記憶力比普通人的記憶力好。②好的記憶力對于學習外語很有幫助。③人腦像一架照相機,但...
2019-01-11 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 籃球比賽-The Basketball Game
- The Basketball Game-籃球賽The game was scheduled to start at start at eight o’clock on Friday night. Long before that, people began to arrive at the gymnasium. By seven-thirty the seats were alm...
2019-01-11 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 上學路上發生車禍
- 上學路上發生車禍I broke my left leg on my way to school this morning. I was riding across a crossroad when a car rushed out from my fight against me. I was riding so quicldy that I couldn't stop. Neith...
2019-01-11 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 語言問題(Language Problem)
- 語言問題(Language Problem)語言問題是指日常交際語言中主方在交流時所遇到的實際困難,由主方向對方解釋說明后,對方才明白。寫作形式可采用說明文的形式,語言要注意簡煉、明了、實用。【范例】 小紅和小華每個星期日都去...
2019-01-11 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 假如我有七十二變
- Supposing I Have Seventy-two Changes(假如我有七十二變)Supposing I Have Seventy-two ChangesSupposing I have seventy-two changes, my dream would come true.Supposing I have seventy-two changes, I'd like t...
2019-01-11 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 路上發生車禍
- This afternoon on my way home I could see few people in the street.Perhaps people preferred to stay at home because of the cold Weather. So I rode very quickly when I was to cross a lane. Suddenly, a...
2019-01-11 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 音樂欣賞-Music Appreciation
- Music Appreciation-音樂欣賞What is your favorite kind of music? Do you like jazz, popular music, classical music, folk songs, blues, and so on? In high school I took one course called music appreciati...
2019-01-11 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 談安全-On Safety
- On Safety-談安全Accidents are today's most frequent killers so far as children are concerned. And accidents CRIpple a great many children that are not killed. Accidents occur to children in all sorts o...
2019-01-11 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 商業書信-The Business Letter
- The Business Letter-商業書信The business letter is the principal means used by a business firm to keep in touch with its customers; often enough it is the only one and customers form their impressions...
2019-01-11 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 社會習俗與行為-Social Customs and Behavior
- Social Customs and Behavior-社會習俗與行為Social customs and ways of behaving change. Things which were considered impolite many years ago are now acceptable. To see a woman smoking in public today is...
2019-01-11 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 我最喜歡的運動-My favorite Sports
- My favorite Sports-我最喜歡的運動During my secondary school years I often liked to go to the recreation room to play table tennis. Some of my classmates were very good at this game and I often tried t...
2019-01-11 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 交通安全-Traffic Safety
- Traffic Safety-交通安全Traffic safety is everybody's business. Records show that every year a lot of people die in traffic accidents. Some of the accidents are due to mechanical problems. However, most...
2019-01-11 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 早上淋浴-Morning Shower
- Morning Shower-早上淋浴(1)A nice cool shower first thing in the morning wakes me up completely and leaves me refreshed. Before taking the shower, I am usually so sleepy that I can hardly open my eyes....
2019-01-11 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 家-永恒的喜悅-Home-A Joy Forever
- Home-A Joy Forever-家-永恒的喜悅Home means a lot to me. “Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.” I appreciate the warmth of my home, and regard it as one of the brightest and dearest spots...
2019-01-11 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 論死亡-On Death
- On Death-論死亡According to cycle of life all things must die. And when some one dies, those who love him weep, and mourn his death. But when we weep at the death of someone we love, or at the realiza...
2019-01-11 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 論民主-On Democracy
- On Democracy-論民主The word ‘democracy’ comes from two Greek words that mean ‘people’ and ‘rule.’ Democracy is a kind of government which lets people rule themselve...
2019-01-11 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 上醫院-Going to the Doctors
- Going to the Doctors-上醫院Some people are lucky enough never to be sick, but most of us have to go to see a doctor occasionally for examination and treatment. Doctors encourage people to have complet...
2019-01-11 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 電影的效果-The Effects of the Movies
- The Effects of the Movies-電影的效果Have you ever wondered how motion pictures affect you? Research studies show that movies do affect you, for good or ill, in quite different ways. Motion pictures gi...
2019-01-11 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 親人之情:我的奶奶-My Granny
- 我的奶奶【內容提示】你的奶奶最愛你,你也最愛你的奶奶。而且,你奶奶是一位心地善良的人,因而受到人們的愛戴。但是,她病了,病得很重,必須做手術。醫生怕她年老體弱頂不住,但她很堅強,堅持做了手術。你每天到醫院去服侍她,看著...
2019-01-11 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文 -
- 青年和國家-A Youth and His Country
- A Youth and His Country-青年和國家The youth of today will help to shape the future f his country tomorrow. As a good citizen, he should prepare himself in his every day life as well as in school for t...
2019-01-11 高中英語作文_高中英語作文范文_中學生英語作文